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Sunday, 10 August 2014

Phrasal Verbs Exercises !

We are going to cover only phrasal verbs using 'up' and 'down', because that's what is required as of now. Though, its fun learning and using them while speaking or writing as it really enhances the beauty of the language.

First, from the English Text Book, pages 46 & 47:

1.   Things are heating up in Sarajevo.

heating up = a tense situation (here)

2.   By 6 p.m., people were fed up and went into the street.

fed up = had enough e.g., I'm fed up with your bad habits.

3.  Daddy tried to calm her down.

calm down = relax. 

Most of us have heard that from our parents, doctors or nurses when we were in pain.

4.   I broke down and cried.

break down = get really (really) upset, even start crying.

E.g., On hearing the sad news, she broke down.

Now, break down has another meaning too, that is 'stop working', 'in need of repair'. Like: In the middle of the road, their car broke down.

1.  How long will it be before the world's fuel supplies are exhausted?
     exhausted = used up
     How long will it be before the world's fuel supplies are used up?

2.  Calculate the total marks in each column.
     calculate = add up
     Add up the total marks in each column..

3.  It was difficult for the police to pacify the angry crowd.
     pacify = calm down
     It was difficult for the police to calm down the angry crowd.

4.  The football coach rejected him for the team as he was late for practice.
     rejected = turn down
     The football coach turned him down for the team, as he was late for practice.

5.  I've prepared a list of things we have to do for the project.
     prepared = draw up
     I've drawn up a list of things we have to do for the project.

6.  A great number of trees were felled to provide space for grazing.
     felled =  cut down
     A great number of trees were cut down to provide space for grazing.

T.A.C. :-)

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