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Wednesday, 6 August 2014


The person who asks questions is the interviewer and the person who is being questioned is the interviewee.

Unlike diary writing, this is a very formal one. We normally interview celebrities that is, people who are famous in some field, like sports, music, movies, etc.

Now, I've never interviewed anyone, but will cook up one for you guys!

  1. Lets say, mmm! you are interviewing your favourite cinema or sports personality. Now, before doing the interview, you have got to do some research about that person, a little bit and ask some really intelligent questions that elicit a response from the person.
Ask questions like:

a.  how does it feel to get ........ award?
b.  if born in a famous family, ask questions associated with their famous siblings, relatives.
c.  their early life, struggles to get into their respective field.
d.  their first breakthrough (success).
e.  their competitors.
f.  their advice to the upcoming persons who have chosen this particular field.
g.  how they chose this particular field, were they interested in it since childhood, who is their role model, etc.


a.  very personal questions, based on the gossip printed in the printed media. something that might anger them and spoil the whole interview.

Keep if very formal, though one can ask questions that might brighten up an otherwise very tense, formal atmosphere. Now, that comes with experience!


Q.   Sir / Madam, How do you feel on getting this ....... award?
A.    .........................

Like this!

T.A.C. (The Anonymous Candle)

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