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Sunday, 27 July 2014


Lesson - 2


1.   Are all these activities the poet mentions permanent? Or do they come and go? How do you know?

A:  Nothing's permanent. All actions defend a situation and hence change with the situations. We understand this from the opening lines of the poem, "For everything there is a season".

2.  Sum up the message of the poem in one sentence.

A:  The poem conveys the message that no state or situation is permanent and we should learn to go with the flow of events.

B.  Work in pairs and discuss these questions:

1.  Pick out the lines which refer to conflict or hatred among people. E.g. Tear and Mend.

A:  (i)  Love, Hate.
     (ii)  Fight, Make friends.
    (iii)  Kill, Heal.
     (iv) Scatter, gather.

2.  Then, explain to your partner what the poem tells you about human conflict. Does conflict happen only between two individuals? Can conflict be ended?

A:  The poem is all about conflicts, about the two sides of the same coin. Its explains how the same individual can feel differently about the same thing as time passes by as their preferences change. No, conflicts need not happen only between two individuals. It can be between two nations, religious or ethnic groups or more so, within a person. Yes, I believe that conflicts could be ended if one does a bit of inner searching.

Kids, try doing 'C' bit on your own as my answers will be about my experiences, not yours.

D.   A:  A time to work and a time to play.
             A time to eat and a time to fast. (RAMZAN EFFECT!)
            A time to earn and a time to spend.
            A time to grab and a time to let go.


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