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Saturday, 28 February 2015

Lesson - 12 Saarnaath!

पाठ - १२ 

प्र १   सारनाथ भारत के किस राज्य में है ?

उ.    सारनाथ भारत के उत्तर प्रदेश में स्तिथ है। 

प्र  .  सारनाथ की दो विशेषतायें बताइए। 

 उ  गौतम बुद्ध ने अपना धर्म चक्र प्रवर्तन यहीं पर किया था। . 

        यहाँ अशोक द्वारा निर्मित सिंह शीर्षवाला स्तम्भ, अनेक स्तूप तथा विहार है। 

प्र।   गौतम बुद्ध का सारनाथ से क्या सम्बन्ध था ?

उ   गौतम बुद्ध का सारनाथ से घनिष्ठ सम्बन्ध ठाट क्यूंकि उन्होंने अपना धर्म चक्र प्रवर्तन यहीं किया था। 

अशोक  स्तम्भ के विषय में अलग - अलग क्या मत थे ?

अशोक स्तम्भ के ऊपरी भाग को किसी विद्वान ने उलटा कमल का फूल कहा है , तो किसी ने फारस का घंटा कहा है।  इतिहासकारों ने इसे कला का उत्तम नमूना कहा है। 

दीर्घउत्तरीय प्रश्न - उत्तर 

१    बौद्ध धर्म की यह एक महान घटना -   किस घटना की बात की जा रही है ?

 करने के उद्देश्य से गौतम बुद्ध ने घर छोड़ दिया।   शिष्य बने किन्तु उनके ज्ञान प्राप्ति के मार्ग को गलत समझकर उन्हें बोधगया में अकेले छोड़कर भाग गए।   फिर तपस्या के बाद जब बुद्ध को  ज्ञान प्राप्ति हुई तो उन्होंने  उन्ही पांच शिष्यों को सारनाथ में अपना पहला उपदेश दिया।  यही बौद्ध धर्म की एक महान घटना थी। 

२।   सम्राट अशोक ने बौद्ध धर्म का अनुयायी बनने के बाद क्या किया ?

जब मौर्य सम्राट अशोक बौद्ध धर्म का अनुयायी बना तो सारनाथ, साँची, दिल्ली, कौशाम्बी, लुंबनी, वैशाली, लोरियानंदनगढ़ आदि स्थानों पर स्तम्भ बनवाए।  इनमे से सबसे प्रमुख अशोक स्तम्भ है। 

अशोक स्तम्भ की विशेषतायें विस्तार ममे लिखिए ?

इस स्तम्भ का शीर्ष भाग चार सिंहों से युक्त है।  सिंहों के मुंह  से विपरीत दिशा में हैं, किन्तु पीठ आपस में ऐसे सटी हैं मानो एक ही हों। 

 बीच में एक चक्र है जो धर्म चक्र का सूचक है। 
सिंहों की मूंछें, नेत्र, आयल और खुले हुए मुख अस्वाभाविक होते हुए भी प्रभावशाली है। 
चक्र के पास अश्व, मृग, सांड और हाथियों की मूर्तियां यहां खड़ी  हैं। 

३.  सिंह प्रतिमा की प्रशंसा करते हुए इतिहासकारों ने क्या कहा ?

इतिहासकारों ने सारनाथ की इस प्रतिमा को भूरि - भूरि प्रशंसा की है।  इनमे उच्च भावनाओं की झलक मिलती है।  इस स्तम्भ की विशेषता है कि  यह एक ही पत्थर से बन्नी है और इसे अत्यंत पॉलिश  की गई है।  यह पॉलिश  बाद की मूर्तिकला से हमेशा के लिए लुप्त हो गई है। 

४.  सारनाथ में मिली दो मूर्तियां की विशेषतायें बताइए। 

सारनाथ में मिली दो मूर्तियां है।  पहले वाली कनिष्क के काल की एक विशाल बोधिसत्व प्रतिमा है और दूसरी गुप्तकाल की एक सुन्दर धर्म चक्र प्रवर्तन की मुद्रा में भगवान बुद्ध की मूर्ति है।  यह बुद्ध की मूर्ति न केवल हमें न केवल बाहर से आकर्षित करती है बल्कि अपनी भीतरी सुंदरता से भी हमें आकर्षित करती है। 

५ अशोक स्तम्भ के कौन से चिह्न किन अलग - अलग रूप में उपयोग में लाए जाते हैं। 

अ  अशोक स्तम्भ के ऊपर बने चार शेर सरकार द्वारा जारी मुद्रित मुद्रा (सिक्कों तथा नोट) पर अंकित हैं। 
आ अशोक स्तम्भ के सिंहों के बीच बना चक्र तिरंगे झंडे के मध्य में स्तिथ है। 
ई अशोक स्तम्भ के ऊपर बने चार शेर सरकार प्रपत्रों पर अंकित होते हैं। 
ई इस स्तम्भ के ऊपर बने चार शेर सरकारी मुहर में अंकित होते हैं। 
उ सरकारी डाक - टिकट पर भी इस स्तम्भ के ऊपर बने चार शेर अंकित होतें हैं। 
उ अशोक स्तम्भ का चक्र तीनों सेनाओं के सैनिकों की वर्दी पर भी अंकित हैं। 

जीवन मूल्य परक प्रश्न 

आप अशोक होते तो प्रजा के लिए क्या कुछ करते ? लिखिए  स्मृति बनाए रखने के लिए आप क्या - क्या करते ?

 मैं अशोक होता तो आरम्भ से ही अहिंसा धर्म का पालन करता।  सम्राट का पद पाने के लिए युद्धों में वीरों का खून न बहाता।  तब उन युद्धों के खर्च के लिए प्रजा को अतिरिक्त करों का भार धोने पर मजबूर नहीं होना पड़ता।  नै पीढ़ी को शिक्षित करने के लिए स्मारकों के स्थान पर पाठशालाएं बनवाता।  शिलालेखों के स्थान पर विद्या से सम्बंधित कुछ खुदवाता। 

सबकी दोस्त ,

लक्ष्मी :-)))

SA-II Portion

DATE                               SUBJECT                                         SYLLABUS

7TH MARCH 2015         COMPUTER                                     LESSON 4 & 5

9TH MARCH 2015         SANNSKRIT                                    LESSONS 8 - 18 BARRING 16 & 17

10TH MARCH 2015         SOCIAL                                            HISTORY - 6,8,11,12 &13
                                                                                                   CIVICS      - 4,5,6,7 & 8
                                                                                                   GEOGRAPHY - 7,8,9 & 10

11TH MARCH 2015       HINDI                                              LESSONS -  9,11,12,13,16,18 & 19

12TH MARCH 2015       SCIENCE                                        LESSONS - 8,9,10,13,14,15,16,17 & 19

14TH MARCH 2015       ENGLISH                                       LITT - 7,8,9,10,11,12 & 13
                                                                                                 WORKBOOK - 5,6,7 & 8
                                                                                                 MCB - EVERYTHING AFTER SA-1

13TH MARCH 2015       MATHS                                          EVERYTHING TAUGHT IN TERM - 2

हिंदी व्याकरण 

अनुच्छेद लेखन :-  हमारी राष्ट्र भाषा ,  मीठी बोली  page  -
पत्र लेखन :- page  - 186 , 182 
वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द - page  - 41 (21 -40 )
पर्यायवाची शब्द - page ३८ (15 - 26 )
विलोम शब्द - page  38 (26 -50 )
समश्रुत भिन्नार्थक शब्द - page - 41, 42 (9 -16 )
लिंग बदलो - page - 28 - भाट  से सम्राट तक 
वचन बदलो - page  - 72 पुस्तक से पुड़िया तक 
मुहावरों के अर्थ - page  - 132 (16 - 20 )
चित्र वर्णन 
अपठित / पठित गद्यांश / पद्यांश 

Social Map pointing:

a.  A school for girls started by Drinkwater Bethune.
b.  Sabarmati Ashram by Gandhi ji
c.  Location of centre (IT Industry) - Bangalore, Gurgaon, Noida, Pune
d.  Drought prone regions (West)
e.  The regions which are prone to tropical cyclone.
f.   Highly populated and low populated state.of
g.  Capital of British Empire in 1911.
h.  Iron and Steel production centres - Jamshedpur, Durgapur, Rourkela,
     Vishakhapatnam, Bhilai
i.   The two regions affected by Hindu - Muslim riots after partition in 1957.

Sorry, almost forgot to post this!

Better late than never!

Everyone's Friend,

Lakshmi :-)))


Friday, 27 February 2015

26 Successful People Who Failed At First

Q/A Posts! :-)))

Dear Kids / Parents,

My computer cries I;e breaks down every now and then! The left mouse button is not working at all. Hence it is quite difficult to type even the basic, important required things with it. Add to that my fluctuating health, which goes through ups and downs every now and then. Hence this time I'm doing away with the Q & A session for English & Hindi! I also believe that most of you are regular in attending school and completing the required on time. Even if you've missed it, you can find the answers in the Textbook itself!

Once again, sorry for the typos! Don't worry as I'll be correcting those with the help of my son, a god-sent angel in my life! Hence we can catch up on time!

Thanks to all for your patience!

Everyone's friend,

Lakshmi! :-)))


Thursday, 26 February 2015

Unconditional love! :-)

An old man, staying in a small south Indian town came to visit his son in Bombay recently.

The son in his early thirties is a successful businessman living with his wife and son.

The father, having spent most of his life at his birthplace,
hardly understands a splatter of Hindi or English,forget Marathi. But he doesn't care.
'I have come here to spend a few days with my son and his family. I don't have to go out and socialize with the city people,' he said.

But the son is very excited about his father's rare visit to Bombay. He wants to make the best of it. He and his wife want to show him around the city. And yes, the son enjoys those evening hours too, when he and his father go out and sit in a good bar, sipping their favorite drink.

Last week he was in a very good mood. 'Let's go to a five star hotel's bar tonight,' he told his father. It was a beautiful evening. Talking about everything under the sun they had a few drinks.
As usual they were offered some salad, peanuts, wafers etc as accompaniments with their drinks.

The old man being almost toothless was not much interested in eating. But that day when they got up to leave,
he simply took a handful of channa (roasted grams) and stuffed it in the fold of his dhoti. He might have thought about munching on them,
sitting in the car or whatever.

Unfortunately while walking in the lobby, he missed a step and stumbled.Down he went, scattering the channa on the plush carpet. No problem .....

Now try to visualize that scenario. Someone else in his son's place would have been mortified, embarrassed to death. He might have cursed not his father but his own self for causing this awkward situation.

'Never again will I take my old man to such hotels', he would have vowed.

No sir, not this son. Gently, with a smile, he helped his father get back on his feet. Instead of feeling irritated or angry, he was amused.
He found the whole incident very funny.

Laughing, they both went home and on the way they decided to return to the same place the following Sunday.

The old man liked the place and liked the channa too.

Few days back, at a friend's place they both described this event and made everybody laugh.

Weren't you embarrassed? Somebody asked the son.
'Oh, come on now' replied the son. 'He is my father.
He talks in his native language, prefers to wear a dhoti even to a posh city hotel, takes channa from the bar to eat later, does whatever he feels like....
So what? Why should I feel embarrassed with his nature and habits?

Nobody has a right to stop him from doing whatever he feels comfortable with, as long as it is not harmful to others.'

The son doesn't care what the staff in the hotel thought about that incident.

He says 'they should be concerned only with their bills and tips.

I am concerned about my Father's Happiness.'

The wife too totally agrees with the husband on this issue. She feels there are enough other qualities in her father- in- law to feel proud of.
Accept them the way they are. . . The above incident is not mentioned just to
show the love and devotion of a son for his father.

More than love it is a matter of understanding and a healthy respect for the other person's lifestyle.

A seventy plus old man doesn't want to change his lifestyle now.

He likes the way he eats or dresses or talks. In his eyes there is nothing wrong with the old ways of living.

And the son says, ok, fine.

Every body has a right to live as per his wish.

Now at his age, why should he be forced to learn to eat with a fork and knife, if he doesn't want to?

I will feel bad if he is doing something morally wrong or indulging in some harmful activities.

But otherwise it is fine.
I am not going to try to change him at this stage.
He is my father.I love him, respect him.

Hey folks, can you think this way?

So many times we see people getting embarrassed by the so called unsophisticated behaviour of their family members.

They keep on apologizing about their lack of class and manners or about their drawbacks to outsiders.

My wife can't speak proper English; she doesn't know what's happening in the world, so I avoid taking her out or introducing her to my friends and business associates...

My parents can't eat with a spoon and fork, so I don't take them to restaurants ...

My husband is working as an ordinary clerk, so I feel awkward when I introduce him to my rich friends.

My brother is mentally challenged, so I don't feel like going out with him...

Are you plagued with such thoughts or do you meet such people who think alike?

If you do, please ask yourself. Why do others or I feel this way?

Really what is there to feel ashamed of?

Most of the people always have this fear of other peoples' opinions and comments.

What would others say??
Y should u????

Thiru Thiru Gananadha Full Song ll 100% Love Movie ll Naga Chaitanya, T...

Aho Balu 100% Love

Well! Try & Understand!

A cruise ship met with an accident at sea, on the ship was a pair of couple, after having made their way to the lifeboat, they realized that there was only space for one person left.

At this moment, the man pushed the woman behind him and jumped onto the lifeboat himself.

The lady stood on the sinking ship and shouted one sentence to her husband.

The teacher stopped and asked, "What do you think she shouted?"

Most of the students excitedly answered, "I hate you! I was blind!"

Now, the teacher noticed a boy who was silent throughout, she got him to answer and he replied, "Teacher, I believe she would have shouted - Take care of our child!"

The teacher was surprised, asking "Have you heard this story before?"

The boy shook his head, "Nope, but that was what my mum told my dad before she died to disease".

The teacher lamented, "The answer is right".

The cruise sunk, the man went home and brought up their daughter single-handedly.

Many years later after the death of the man, their daughter found his diary while tidying his belongings.

It turns out that when parents went onto the cruise ship, the mother was already diagnosed with a terminal illness.
At the critical moment, the father rushed to the only chance of survival.

He wrote in his diary, "How I wished to sink to the bottom of the ocean with you, but for the sake of our daughter, I can only let you lie forever below the sea alone".

The story is finished, the class was silent.

The teacher knows that the student has understood the moral of the story, that of the good and the evil in the world, there are many complications behind them which are hard to understand.

Which is why we should never only focus on the surface and judge others without understanding them first.

Those who like to pay the bill, do so not because they are loaded but because they value friendship above money.

Those who take the initiative at work, do so not because they are stupid but because they understand the concept of responsibility.

Those who apologizes first after a fight, do so not because they are wrong but because they value the people around them.

Those who are willing to help you, do so not because they owe you any thing but because they see you as a true friend.

Those who often text you, do so not because they have nothing better to do but because you are in their heart.
One day, all of us will get  separated  from each other; we will miss our conversations of everything & nothing; the dreams that we had. Days will pass by, months, years, until this contact becomes rare... One day our children will see our pictures and ask 'Who are these people?' And we will smile with invisible tears  because a heart is touched with a strong word and you will say: 'IT WAS THEM THAT I HAD THE BEST DAYS OF MY LIFE WITH'

Hee Hee!

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Comprehension - 2

Green is a beautiful colour! In nature, the grass that you walk on is green and the leaves that you seen on trees are usually green! Most of the plants that you see are green too! Frogs are green and so are the grasshoppers. Turtles have a different shade of green.

Do you know that if blue and yellow colour are mixed the result is , GREEN! Because green is produced by mixing two primary colours, viz. Blue and Yellow, it is called a secondary colour. Green is also the name used describe the movement to make products that do not harm our Mother Earth. Green products are often made out of recycled materials are those that are safe to throw out as trash i;e bio-degradable.

Q. 1.  According to the passage what is green?

a.  A primary colour
b.  A frog
c.  A bat
d.  A mushroom

Q. 2. Green is:

a.  A secondary colour
b.  A kind of plant
c.  A kind of kite
d.  A primary colour

Q.3. Which of the following might be an example of a green product?

a.  A frog
b.  A plastic that could be recycled
c.  A big truck
d.  A plastic bottle that cannot be recycled

Q.4. Turtles are:

a.  Not green
b.  Not found in nature
c.  Different shades of green
d.  Green products

Q.5. What is a green product?

a.  One that is safe for Earth
b.  One that is mixed together
c.  One that is fun
d.  One that is made from grass.

Q.6.  Give a suitable title to the passage.

Q.7. As a responsible citizen of planet Earth, what steps should one take to keep Earth Green and beautiful?

Try answering these. I hope these are simpler than the ones I gave in my last post.

Lakshmi. :-)))

Comprehension! :-)))

Dear friends,

Today's topic is comprehension!

A comprehension exercise consists of a passage. Based on that questions are given. This is mainly to test one's ability of comprehending the meaning of the passage, thus the name comprehension.


1. Read the passage thoroughly.

As you get the main idea, read it again to check whether any teensy-weensy details are left out.

2. Now understand the questions, and check the portions that give out the answer.

3. Now, the grammar bit would be tricky as it needs one to be well read then only you can answer the respective bits. :-)

Now, there are no separate books available on this, but any good grammar book would do, OR one can alternately choose a passage from the newspaper and try forming questions and answer them.

A sample is given below:

All great thinkers live and move on a high plane of thought. It is only there they can breathe freely. It is only in contact with spirits like themselves can they live harmoniously and attain that serenity which comes from ideal companionship. The studies of all great thinkers must range along the highest altitudes of human thought. One can't remember the name of any illuminative genius who did not drink his inspiration from fountains of ancient Greek and Hebrew writers; or such among the moderns as were pupils in ancient thought , and, in turn, became masters of their own. I have always thought that the strongest argument in favour of the Baconian theory was, that no man, however indubitable his genius, could have written the plays and sonnets that have come down to us under Shakespeare's name who had not the liberal education of Bacon. How this habit of intercourse with the Gods makes on impatient of mere men. The magnificent ideals that have ever haunted the human mind, and given us our highest proofs of a future immortality by the reason of the impossibility if their fulfilment here, are splintered into atoms by contact with life's realities. Hence comes our sublime discontent. You will notice that your first sensation after reading a great book is one of melancholy and dissatisfaction. The ideas, sentiments, expressions, are so far beyond those of ordinary working life that you cannot turn aside from one to the other without  an acute sensation and consciousness of the contrast. And the principles are so lofty, so super-human that it is a positive pain, if once you become imbued with them, to come down and mix in the squalid surroundings of ordinary humanity. It may be spiritual or intellectual pride that is engendered on the high plane of intellectual life. But, whatever it is, it becomes inevitable. A habitual meditation on vast problems that underline human life, and are knit into human destinies - thoughts of immortality, of the littleness of mere man, of the greatness of man's soul, of the splendours of the universe that are invisible to the ordinary traffickers in the street, as the vastness of St. Peter's is to the spider that weaves her web in a corner of the dome - these things do not fit men to understand the average human being, or tolerate with patience the sordid wretchedness of the unregenerate masses. it is easy to understand, therefore, why such thinkers fly to the solitude of their own thoughts, or the silent companionship of immortals; and if they care to present their views in prose or verse to the world, that these views take a sombre and melancholy setting from "the pale cast of thought" in which they were engendered.

Q.1. On what plane must great thinkers live and move?

Q.2. Is a liberal education necessary to produce great literature.

Q.3. Why does the reading of a great book, according to the author, make one melancholy and disappointed?

Q.4. What are the things that make it hard to understand the average human being?

Now, I know that this is a bit high for 8th graders like you, I'd be posting something easy in the next post! Till then, happy learning!

Everyone's friend,
Lakshmi. :-)))

Tuesday, 24 February 2015


Dear Kids,

Most of you know me personally. :-) So, you can call me on my number! Rest can leave suggestions in the comment box!

I think I've completed almost 90% of the portion. I'll be updating if there's anything necessary and that's brought to my immediate attention.

My best wishes and warm regards to all of you.
With lots of love,

Your friend,
Lakshmi :-))


Lesson - 18 Geetha Shloka!

I .

1.  मन: दुर्निग्रहं अस्ति .

2.  मन: अभ्यासेन वैराग्येण् च गृह्यते .

3.  साधुनां  परित्राणाय ईश्वर: संभवति .

4.  ईश्वर: तदात्मानं सृजाम्यहम् .

5.  धर्मस्य संस्थापनार्थाय ईश्वर; युगे - युगे संभवति .

II .

यो मां पश्यति सर्वत्र - सर्वं च मयि पश्यति .

मम वर्त्मानुवर्तन्ते - मनुष्या: पार्थ: सर्वश:

यदा - यदा हि धर्मस्य - ग्लानिर्भवति भारत .

असन्शय  महाबाहो - मनो दुर्निग्रहं चलम् .

परित्राणाय साधूनां  - विनाशाय च दुष्कृतां .

अभ्यासेन तु कौन्तेय - वैराग्येण् च गृह्यते .


1. तस्य _ अहं                                      =  तस्याहम्

2. भजामि + अहं                                  =  भजाम्यहम्

3. अभि + उत्थानम्                              =  अभ्युत्थानम्

4. तदा + आत्मानम्                             =  तदात्मानम्

5. सृजामि  + अहं                                 =  सृजाम्यहम्

6. ग्लानि: + भवति                              =   ग्लानिर्भवति

IV .

1.  मम वर्त्मानुवर्तन्ते मनुष्या: पार्थ: सर्वश:

2. असंशयं महाबाहो मनो दुर्निग्रहं 

3. धर्मसंस्थापनार्थाय संभवामि युगे - युगे .

4. यो मां पश्यति सर्वत्र 

5. परित्राणाय साधूनां 

6. यो यथा मां प्रपद्यन्ते .

VI .

ये मां यथा प्रपद्यन्ते अहं तांस्तथैव भजामि .

पार्थ:  मनुष्या: सर्वश: मम वर्त्मानुवर्तन्ते .

Everyone's friend,

Lakshmi. :-))

Two Horses

Two Horses: Author Unknown

Just up the road from my home is a field, with two horses in it.
From a distance, each horse looks like any other horse.
But if you stop your car, or are walking by, you will notice something quite amazing....

Looking into the eyes of one horse will disclose that he is blind. His owner has chosen not to have him put down, but has made a good home for him.
This alone is amazing. If you stand nearby and listen, you will hear the sound of a bell.
Looking around for the source of the sound, you will see that it comes from the smaller
horse in the field.

Attached to the horse's halter is a small bell. It lets the blind friend know where the other horse is, so he can follow. As you stand and watch these two friends, you'll see that the horse with the bell is always checking on the blind horse, and that the blind horse will listen for the bell and then slowly walk to where the other horse is, trusting that he will not be led astray.

When the horse with the bell returns to the shelter of the barn each evening, it stops occasionally and looks back, making sure that the blind friend isn't too far behind to hear the bell.

Like the owners of these two horses, God does not throw us away just because we are not perfect or because we have problems or challenges!

He watches over us and even brings others into our lives to help us when we are in need..

Sometimes we are the blind horse being guided by the little ringing bell of those who God places in our lives.
Other times we are the guide horse, helping others to find their way....

Good friends are like that... You may not always see them, but you know they are always there..

Please listen for my bell and I'll listen for yours, and remember...

Be kinder than necessary-
Everyone you meet is fighting
Some kind of battle

Live simply,
Love generously,
Care deeply,

LIFE! :-)

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam :
"When I was a kid, my Mom cooked food for us.
One night in particular when she had made dinner after a long hard day's work, Mom placed a plate of 'subzi' and extremely burnt roti in front of my Dad.
I was waiting to see if anyone noticed the burnt roti.
But Dad just ate his roti and asked me how was my day at school.
I don't remember what I told him that night, but I do remember I heard Mom apologising to Dad for the burnt roti.
And I'll never forget what he said: "Honey, I love burnt roti."
Later that night, I went to kiss Daddy, good night & I asked him if he really liked his roti burnt. He wrapped me in his arms & said: "Your momma put in a long hard day at work today and she was really tired.
And besides... A burnt roti never hurts anyone but HARSH WORDS DO!"
"You know beta - life is full of imperfect things... & imperfect people...
I forget birthdays & anniversaries just like everyone else.
What I've learnt over the years is :
To Accept Each Others Faults & Choose To Celebrate Relationships"
Life Is Too Short To Wake Up With Regrets!
Love the people who treat you right & have compassion for the ones who don't.

Monday, 23 February 2015

Funny yet....

Dear All,

Owing to health concerns, I'm not so regular with the updations! I kindly request you to bear with me! I'll try finishing everything by 1st or max by 5th of March!


Thursday, 19 February 2015


Dear Kids,

My son said that there is some problem viewing the shabd rupanis, hence I've made some adjustments to the font size to make them appear aligned. Just click on the view menu and press the zoom button and set to your preference, 100 , 125 or more.

Thanks & Regards,

Lakshmi. :-)))

Defining & Non-Defining Relative Clauses Exercises

1.  Theatre is a place ........... people go to watch a movie.

2.  What is the name of the person ........... invented the electric bulb.

3.   Knives are equipments ............  are used in the kitchen.

4.  Potassium is a metal ........ is highly reactive.

5.  Great are those ......... lay down their lives for a noble cause.

6.  He is the man ......... son plays at the national level.

7.  An ornithologist is a person ......... job is to observe and study birds.

8.  Blogging is an art ........ many are interested in nowadays.

9.  Amitabh Bacchan is name ........ is famous all over the world.

10. A mother is the only person ........ love for her children is immeasurable,

Non - Defining.

1.  Shimla, ........... is the capital of Himachal Pradesh is my favourite haunt.

2.  Susheela, 27, ......... lives in flat no: C-505, is the wife of Prof.Khanna.

3.  Albert Einstein, .... was considered a misfit in school, was a famous scientist.


As of now, my brain is pre-occupied with many other things, so dear friends, wait till the fog in my mind clears and I will definitely add more in this post!.

Everyone's Friend,

Lakshmi. :-)))

Help with Computer Syllabus!

Dear Kids / Parents,

For those who are having trouble with the computer lessons on MS-Access, I've found a site that's quite useful. I'm giving the following link:

My son Ashwin, benefitted from this, and I hope that YOU too!

Everyone's friend,

Lakshmi. :-)))


Monday, 16 February 2015

Defining & Non-Defining Relative Clauses! :-)))

Dear Kids,

Defining Clause is something that tells us more about the subject of the sentence.
Non-defining clause just adds extra information, which is not so relevant to the subject.

E.g.,  I am going to see the movie this Friday.
 Here `this Friday', says when I'm going to watch, something relevant to what is being talked about, that is the movie.

But, if I say, I am going to the movie `I' directed by Shankar,

Then, `I, directed by Shankar' is a non- defining relative clause, which gives extra information about the movie `I', which is irrelevant , just an extra piece of unwanted information. It just adds spice to my sentence.

The key is to identify which is relevant to the subject and which is irrelevant.


1. (a) My brother is in London. - Defining

1. (b) My brother, who was born on July 22, stays in London. - Non- Defining .

2. (a) He is the most well read in my circle of friends. - Defining.

2. (b) He is the most well read in my circle of friends and lives in Sainikpuri. - Non- Defining.

3. (a) The one with the lovely blue eyes, wearing a red skirt and black top is my sister. - Non-defining.

3. (b) The one with (any one of the above-mentioned adjectives) lovely blue eyes, is my sibling.

GOTTA GO! Exercises in next post!

Everyone's friend,

Lakshmi. :-)))

DISCLAIMER: Countercheck with your teachers!

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Spellings and other typos! :-)))

There might be lots of spelling mistakes, please take the help of books or elders or use your own discretion while reading those, do not blindly follow the spellings. I have taken every possible effort to minimize those, even then, there might be some, creeping in between.

Everyone's friend,
Lakshmi R. Srinivasan.

Lesson - 18 Meanings!

गीताया: श्लोका:

1.  यो मां पष्यति सर्वत्र, सर्वं च मयि पश्यति .
     तस्याहं न प्रणश्यामि स च मे न प्रणश्यति .

One who sees me in all, and sees all in me, to him I am not lost, and he is not lost to me.

मूल अर्थ: मुझे हर जगह देखता है, हर प्राणी में मेरे दर्शन करता है, यह मान कर चलता है कि  मानव सेवा ही नारायण सेवा है, मैं  वह मुझसे कभी अलग नहीं होता।

भावार्थ : जीवन का लक्ष्य यही है कि हम दूसरों के लिए जियें , इसलिए यही सही होगा कि  हम अपने मन को शुद्ध को रखकर जितना हो सके भेदभाव भुलाकर, ईर्ष्या आदि त्याग कर दूसरों की मदद करें। यह तभी संभव है जब हम हर प्राणी, छोटा या बड़ा हरेक में ईश्वर को देखें।  ऐसा जीव मृत्यु के बाद भी जीवित रहता है।

2.    ये यथा मां प्रपद्यन्ते तांस्तथैव भजाम्यहम् .
       मम्  वर्त्मानुवर्तन्ते मनुष्या: पार्थ सर्वश: .

In whichever way submits to me in total surrender, I would reward them accordingly.  In whatever way / form a person submits to me I'll be available to them in that form. The ways of devotion may be different, but ultimately, everyone comes unto Me.

जो कोई तन - मन - धन से मेरी शरण में आए, मैं  उसका फल उसे अवश्य दूँगा।

भावार्थ:  चाहे मनुष्य मुझे किसी भी रूप में अर्थात सखा, माता, पिता, भाई, बहन, बंधु , अपना कार्य आदि में देखे, मैं  उसे उसका फल अवश्य दूँगा  . मेरी शरण में आने के की मार्ग हैं , परन्तु अंत में सब मुझे पा ही लेते हैं।

3 .  असंशयं महाबाहो मनो दुर्निग्रहं चलम् .
      अभ्यासेन तु कौन्तेय वैराग्येण् च गृह्याते .

Without any doubt, the human mind is fickle - natured, ever-changing and distracted, but with regular practice and detachment, it could be definitely controlled.

निःसंदेह , हे वीर, कुंती - पुत्र ,मन बहुत ही चंचल है , किन्तु अभ्यास (मेहनत ) एवं वैराग्य मनोभाव से इसे वश में किया जा सकता है। 

हमारा मन बहुत ही चंचल होता है, यह हमें हर इच्छा की ओर  आकर्षित करता है, और हम भी इसकी ओर  खिंचे  चले जाते हैं , किन्तु कठिन अभ्यास से हम इस चंचल मन को भी अपने वश  में कर सकते हैं।

4 . यदा - यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत .
     अभ्युत्थानमधर्मस्य  तदात्मानं स्रुजाम्यहम् .

O Arjuna! Whenever evils and unrighteousness rear their ugly head, I come down to help all those who have complete faith in me and surrendered to me .

हे भारत (अर्जुन)! जब - जब धर्म को क्षति पहुँचती है, और अधर्म की वृद्धि होती है, तब - तब मैं इस संसार में साकार रूप में प्रकट होता हूँ   .

कलयुग में हर प्राणी चाहे वह सज्जन ही क्यों न हो, उसे हर कदम पर अधर्म का सामना करना पड़ता है।  धर्म धीरे - धीरे मिटता जा रहा है।  चारों तरफ़  अधर्म - ही - अधर्म है। ऐसे में भगवान श्री  कृष्ण कहते हैं  कि  वह हमारी सहायता के लिए किसी - न - किसी रूप में प्रकट होते हैं। 

5 .  परित्राणाय साधूनाम् विनाशाय च दुष्कृताम्
      धर्मसंस्थापनार्थाय संभवामि युगे - युगे .

To deliver / save good people from evil and to uproot the cause of evil I come down in different forms / avataars to reinstate Dharma / righteousness.

सज्जनों  को अधर्म से बचाने के लिए पापों / पापियों का विनाश करने के लिए और धर्म को पुन: स्थापना करने के लिए मैं इस धरती  पर कई  अवतार लेता हूँ। 

हर युग में धर्म और अधर्म, सत्य और असत्य, अच्छे और बुरे के बीच लड़ाई चलती रही है।  जब अधर्मी धार्मिक भक्तो को पीड़ित करते हैं तब भगवान कोई अवतार लेकर सज्जनों  को दुर्जनों  से बचाकर , पापियों का विनाश करने और धर्म का फिर से स्थापना करते हैं। 

सबकी दोस्त,

लक्ष्मी आर. श्रीनिवासन।  :-)))

Thursday, 12 February 2015


My son Ashwin says that Lesson - 16 & 17 are not there for SA-2, hence I won't be doing it as a top priority and move on the Gita Shloka lesson. Nevertheless I may also post the Q/A of lessons 16 & 17 later on, to be on the safe side.

Everyone's Friend,

Lakshmi. :-)))

Modals Exercises

Fill in the blanks:

1.  Ashwin's flight from India to Australia took more than 22 hours. He .......... be exhausted.  He ........... prefer a long night's sleep than attend the party.

2.  If one wants to learn to speak an entirely new language, one ......... start conversing in it with a person who has fluency in it.

3.  Spending too much time looking at you smartphone at night time, in darkness, ........... be dangerous. It is known to cause macular degeneration of the eye!

4.  While learning to swim one ......... use a floater. One .......... also use a goggle so that one could comfortable look in the water.

5.  I have been practising Pranayama for the past two and a quarter years, so I ......... hold my breath for almost 35 seconds, ........ you?

6.  Abhinav's penthouse is huge! It ....... must be at least over a crore or two!

7.  Please go for a walk at least five times a week, or you ....... become unhealthy because of all the junk food you dump in your mouth!

8.  I ........ play the harmonium as a teenager, but after so many years of hibernation, I ........ manage only a few slow notes on the keyboard.

9.  The practicals ......... help the students in gaining an insight into the working of MS-Access.

10. Where are the books? They ......... to be here, but they aren't!

11. You ....... carry a water bottle to the outing, as you won't be allowed any breaks in between.

12. ........... we just go to sleep and have this conversation tomorrow? I really need to finish some pending work at my workplace tomorrow.

13.OMG! I have left my keys at your house? What ........ we do now?

14. ......... I borrow your mobile phone for a moment? I really need to make this urgent call.

15. I ........ believe the way I was treated, alas, this is what my friend warned me of before!

16. The dog was playing in the garden a few minutes back, so it .......... be someone from this gathering that dognapped it.

17. I ........ why she starts crying the moment she hears that song. It ........ be some past unresolved bitter memory.

18. ............................ you think just for once before you speak like that? You could end up hurting someone.

19. I remember keeping the mobile on the dining table before went to the bath, it ........ be inside the house only.

Answers later on ;-)))

Everyone's Friend,

Lakshmi :-)))


Inspi! :-))


We have already covered a bit in this, but still .....  :-)))

The are used for probability. This means how sure we are about something that might have happened, is happening or would happen.

1.  It's New Year! The shops must be busy.

2.  I don't where she is! She might have moved to another city!

3.  This piece of information can't be precise! I still trust him!

Used to pinpoint ability. Words used can or could.

1.  I can sing.

2.  She cannot / can't swim.

3.  My grandfather was a great man! He could speak eight different languages.

While giving advice or instructing to perform an obligation or order.

1.  You must wear a formal dress to the party.

2.  One should go to bed early to have a good health.

3.  She should give up shopping or else she would suffer.

Granting / Giving Permission

1.  Can I have another pastry, please?

2.  You will not use my card again!

3.  Can we go to the movie, this Sunday?

To denote habits:

1.  She will be at the temple every Friday.

2.  He would always be surrounded by energetic youngsters.

3.  That's all for now! GOTTA GO! C YA SOON!

Everyone's friend,

Lakshmi. :-)))


Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Lesson - 15 Rituraaj Vasanth

ऋतुराज: वसन्त:
1.  (a )  स्वच्छं 
     (b )  षड् 
     (c )  भ्रमरा:
     (d )  वसन्त:
     (e )  पुष्पाणां 
2.  (b )  का ऋतुराज: कथ्यते ?
     (c )  सर्वत्र केषां सुगन्ध: प्रसरति ?
     (d )  पुष्पाणां उपरि के गुञ्जन्ति ?
     (e )  वृक्षेषु के जायन्ते ?
     (f )  सर्वे जना: केषु भ्रमन्ति ?
3.  (a )  आकाशः     - प्रमुदिता 
     (b )  स्वच्छं    -    निर्मलम् 
     (c )  पुष्पाणां   -  कुसुमानां 
     (d ) कमलानि  - पङ्कजानि 
    (e )  वृक्षेषु       - तरुषु 
    (f )  मनुष्या:   -  मानवा:
4.  (a )   भौगोलिक 
     (b )   षड् 
     (c )   भ्रमरा:
     (d )  होली 
    (e )   पीतम् 
5.  (a )  मन्दं  - शीघ्रम् 
     (b )  बाला: - वृद्धा:
     (c )  प्रसन्ना  - दुःखिता 
    (d )  दिवसे  - रात्रौ 
    (e )   आकाश:  -  परताल:
    (f )  अस्मिन्  - तस्मिन् 
6.   (a )  गायन्ति -  लट्   प्रथम्   बहुवचन 
      (b )  नृत्यन्ति - लट्   प्रथम बहुवचन 
      (c )  भवति   - लट्  प्रथम एकवचन 
     (d )  गुञ्जन्ति - लट्  प्रथम बहुवचन 
    (e )   वहति - लट्  प्रथम एकवचन 
Everyone's friend,
Seetha Lakshmi. :-)))

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Lesson - 14 Vidya Mahima!

विद्या महिमा 

1.   अपूर्व कॊपि कॊशॊयम् विद्यते तव भरति .
      व्ययतो वृद्धिमयाति क्षयमायाति सञ्चयात् .

मूल अर्थ :  हे ! सरस्वती माता , यह  विद्या बडी ही अनोखी वस्तु है. जितना हम उसे व्यय अर्थात्  खर्च करे, वः उत्नी ही बढ़ती है।  किन्तु अगर इसे अपने तक सीमित  रखें  तो , वह नष्ट हो जाती है। 

भावार्थ:  इस संसार की भलाई इसी में हैं  कि  हम अपनी विद्या दूसरों के साथ बाँटें, जितना कोई अपनी विद्या बांटेगा, वह उसके मस्तिष्क में उतना ही पत्थर की लकीर बनकर शाश्वत रहेगा. सदियों तक रहेगा वरना मिट जाएगा। 

दोहा :

सरसुती के भण्डार की, बड़ी अपूरब बात।

ज्यों खर्चे त्यों त्यों बढे , बिन खर्चे मिट जाए।

यह वृन्द का दोहा भी हमें यही सिखाता है।

O Goddess Saraswati! You treasury called knowledge is indeed mysterious. As one spends more of it the more one learns, whilst when not shared, loses it forever!

Whatever one is good at or has learnt well, must be shared not only for the welfare and upliftment of others but also to for one's own good. This is can be elaborated as when one shares one's knowledge about a subject it strengthens the neural pathway that contains that specific information and also allows one to learn in turn. If this knowledge is kept to oneself and not shared, it gets erased not only from one's own mind but also from this world forever.

2.  विद्वत्वम् च नृपत्वं च नैव तुल्यं कदाचन .

     स्वदेशे पूज्यते राजा , विद्वान् सर्वत्र पूज्यते .

मूल अर्थ :  विद्वान् व्यक्ति और धनी व्यक्ति या राजा की तुलना नही . अपने राज्य मे राजा पूजा जाता है वरन विद्वान् की हर स्थान मे पूजा होती है .

भावार्थ :   जो धनी व्यक्ति है , जिसके पास धन का भण्डार है उसका आदर केवल उसके अपने देश, राज्य या क्षेत्र में होता है, किन्तु विद्यागुन से संपन्न विद्वान का संसार में हर स्थान में आदर होता है।  जब तक धन है, आदर है किन्तु विद्या ऐसी सम्पत्ति है जो मृत्यु तक रहती है।

Though there is no comparison between a rich, influential person and a learned man. A king is worshipped in his kingdom, while a learned man is worshipped everywhere!

A rich person is worshipped / sought after only in his area, kingdom or reach of power, or till the wealth and the influence lasts! Whereas, a learned person is worshipped forever. Not just in his area of influence but also outside of it! His fame lasts till eternity!

3.  रूपयौवनसंपन्ना: विशालकुलसम्भवा :.
     विद्याहीना: न शोभन्ते निर्गन्धा इव किशुका :

मूल अर्थ :   रूप और यौवन से संपन्न व्यक्ति, जो धनि परिवार में पैदा हुआ हो, व अगर विद्या संपत्ति से हीन  हो , तो वह  किन्शुक यानी पलाश वृक्ष के उन सुन्दर पुष्पों के समान  है, जिसमे सुंदरता तो है किन्तु सुगंध नहीं।

भावार्थ :  जिस तरह पुष्प का सुन्दर होना ही नहीं वरन उसका सुगन्धित होना भी आवश्यक है , उसी तरह बड़े, धनी , कुलीन परिवार में केवल पैदा होने से कोई बड़ा नहीं बन जाता, उसमे विद्या नामक गन होना भी उतना ही आवश्यक है।

No matter how rich, beautiful / handsome or born into a family of influence or intelligence, if one remains uneducated, he is equivalent to the flowers of the Kinshua / Palasha tree, which though beautiful to look at, have no smell!

Our family heritage and lineage is of no value, if we are not educated properly, not only in the literal sense that is, number of degrees accumulated, but educated in the real sense.

4.  न चोरहार्यं न राजहार्यं , न भ्रातृभाज्यं न च भारकारि ,
     व्यये कृते वर्धते एव नित्यं, विद्याधनं सर्व धन प्रधानं .

मूल अर्थ :  न चोर चुरा सकता है, न राजा आदेश द्वारा चीन सकता है , भाइयों में बांटा नहीं जा सकता, न ही यह भारी है , जितना खर्चे उतना ही बढे यह विद्या धन, जो धनों में सर्वप्रधान है।

भावार्थ :    केवल विद्या धन ही ऐसी संपत्ति है, जो हमारे साथ सदैव रहेगी।  यही एक ऐसी संपत्ति है जिसे कोई बल द्वारा हमसे  छीन  नहीं सकता। . जितना हम इसे खर्चेंगे यह उतना ही बढ़ेगा। 

Thieves cannot steal, neither can the King order it out of us, nor cannot it be divided among one's brothers / siblings and it is not heavy either. The more you spend, the more you gain, such is the property of the wealth called Education!

Education is the only wealth that remains with us forever. We can be robbed of any other possession, but never of this precious wealth. The more you spend, the more you gain.

5.  विद्या ददाति विनयं, विनयात् ददाति पात्रतां .
     पात्रत्वाद धनमाप्नोति धनाद्धर्मं ततस्सुखम् .

मूल अर्थ :  विद्या प्राप्ति से विनम्रता मिलती है, विनम्रता से अच्छे गुण , इन गुणों से धन की प्राप्ति होती है जिसके द्वारा संसार के सभी सुख मिलते हैं। 

भावार्थ :  विद्या अर्थात ज्ञान से हम में विनम्रता अर्थात दूसरों को हैं न समझने की और उनका आदर करने की भावना उत्पन्न होती है , विनम्रता से बाकी  सद्गुणों का अपने - आप विकास होता है , इससे धन की प्राप्ति होती है और अंत में व्यक्ति संसार का सबसे सुखी व्यक्ति बन जाता है। 

By education one becomes humble, humility paves way to a good and strong character, through character one earns wealth and finally this wealth gives peace and happiness.

By vale - based education one learns to be humble and be patient of others and starts respecting others. This humility helps in character - building. When one has a beautiful character, one works hard, through which wealth is amassed, and when wealth is earned through honest means it gives peace of mind and finally happiness.

Everyone's Friend,

Seetha Lakshmi. :-)))