Happiness is in helping others! Hi! Iam Lakshmi. I started this blog to help all my friends who are busy, working parents and have little or NO time to teach their kids! :-) Now, everyone can benefit from whatever little I have to share. This is a blog on three languages, English, Hindi & Sanskrit, designed especially for kids studying 8th grade at BSRKV, Sainikpuri. I hope to help as long as its possible! :-)))
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Monday, 22 December 2014
Friday, 19 December 2014
Its gone
My darling computer of 3 years is temporarily dead, so I have to type the lessons through another device I'm finding the keyboard a bit difficult, BUT will definitely TRY! :-)
Everyone's friend,
Lakshmi R. Srinivasan. :-)
Everyone's friend,
Lakshmi R. Srinivasan. :-)
Thursday, 11 December 2014
Posts! :-)
Dear angels,
My computer is half dead. Hence I m not posting anything of now. Regret the inconvenience. See you all soon.
Lakshmi R. Srinivasan. :-)
My computer is half dead. Hence I m not posting anything of now. Regret the inconvenience. See you all soon.
Lakshmi R. Srinivasan. :-)
Tuesday, 2 December 2014
Monday, 1 December 2014
Dear GOD,
I am sorry for not appreciating what you’ve given me. I have
always been complaining about what I don’t have or what I want to. From now on,
I promise to thank you for whatever you’ve given me.
Firstly, thanks for creating me as a HUMAN. J
Thanks for:
A beautiful family, parents,
siblings, husband, kids and all other extended relationships.
All the people friends as well as foes who by their kindness
or rudeness, helped me shape into what I
am today.
All the people who made a difference in my life, inspired
me, taught me, picked me up when I fell.
A wonderful life partner.
A beautiful home.
Food & Water.
Lakshmi. R. Srinivasan. J
Friday, 28 November 2014
Exercises for Lesson - 10
1. निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों एक पद में एक दीजिए :
उत्तर :
(i ) बोपदेव:
(ii ) मंदमति :
(iii ) इतस्तत:
(iv ) जलेन
(v ) बालक:
2 . पूर्णवाक्य में उत्तर दीजिए:
(i ) अहम नूनं मूर्ख :, मम भाग्ये विद्या नास्ति।
(ii ) विद्यालयात्।
(iii ) कूपम्
(iv ) महान पंडित : वरदराज:
(v ) लघुसिद्धान्त कौमुदी नामकम्
इन में मैंने केवल उत्तर दिए हैं, कृपया पाठ्यपुस्तक में देखकर पूरा उत्तर लिखें।
3 . निम्नलिखित को उदाहरण् के अनुसार लिखो :
(i ) अकुर्वन्
(ii ) अपठत्
(iii ) अचिन्तयत्
(iv ) अकरोत्
(v ) अपश्यत्
(vi ) अपूरयत्
(vii ) अभवत्
(viii ) अरचयत्
4. सही विकल्प के सामने सही क चिह्न लगाइए :
(i ) बालक:
(ii ) कुपित:
(iii ) विद्या
(iv ) तीव्रा
(v ) वरदराज:
5. समानार्थक् पद मिलाइए :
छात्र : विद्यार्थी
मूर्ख: मूढ:
कुपित: क्रोधित:
नार्य: स्त्रिय :
घट कुम्भ:
प्रसिद्ध: विख्यात:
6. निम्न पदों को संकृत वाक्यो ममे प्रयोग कीजिए :
(i ) तस्य नाम बोपदेव्: आसीत् .
(ii ) गुरु: तस्योपरि कुपित:अभवत् .
(iii ) नूनम् मूर्ख: अस्मि, मम भाग्ये विद्या नास्ति .
(iv ) एकदा तस्य गुरु: तं विद्यालयात् बहि: अकरोत् .
(v ) मार्गे गच्छन स: एकं कूपम् अपश्यत् .
(vi ) स: तीव्रमति: बालक: अस्ति .
सबकी सखी ,
लक्ष्मी आर श्रीनिवासन। :-)))
उत्तर :
(i ) बोपदेव:
(ii ) मंदमति :
(iii ) इतस्तत:
(iv ) जलेन
(v ) बालक:
2 . पूर्णवाक्य में उत्तर दीजिए:
(i ) अहम नूनं मूर्ख :, मम भाग्ये विद्या नास्ति।
(ii ) विद्यालयात्।
(iii ) कूपम्
(iv ) महान पंडित : वरदराज:
(v ) लघुसिद्धान्त कौमुदी नामकम्
इन में मैंने केवल उत्तर दिए हैं, कृपया पाठ्यपुस्तक में देखकर पूरा उत्तर लिखें।
3 . निम्नलिखित को उदाहरण् के अनुसार लिखो :
(i ) अकुर्वन्
(ii ) अपठत्
(iii ) अचिन्तयत्
(iv ) अकरोत्
(v ) अपश्यत्
(vi ) अपूरयत्
(vii ) अभवत्
(viii ) अरचयत्
4. सही विकल्प के सामने सही क चिह्न लगाइए :
(i ) बालक:
(ii ) कुपित:
(iii ) विद्या
(iv ) तीव्रा
(v ) वरदराज:
5. समानार्थक् पद मिलाइए :
छात्र : विद्यार्थी
मूर्ख: मूढ:
कुपित: क्रोधित:
नार्य: स्त्रिय :
घट कुम्भ:
प्रसिद्ध: विख्यात:
6. निम्न पदों को संकृत वाक्यो ममे प्रयोग कीजिए :
(i ) तस्य नाम बोपदेव्: आसीत् .
(ii ) गुरु: तस्योपरि कुपित:अभवत् .
(iii ) नूनम् मूर्ख: अस्मि, मम भाग्ये विद्या नास्ति .
(iv ) एकदा तस्य गुरु: तं विद्यालयात् बहि: अकरोत् .
(v ) मार्गे गच्छन स: एकं कूपम् अपश्यत् .
(vi ) स: तीव्रमति: बालक: अस्ति .
सबकी सखी ,
लक्ष्मी आर श्रीनिवासन। :-)))
Thursday, 27 November 2014
Lesson - 10 Explained!
अभ्यास: परम्: गुरु:
पुरा: एक: बालक: आसीत् . तस्य नाम बोपदेव: आसीत् . स: मन्दमति: छात्र: आसीत्. स: यत् पठति सं तत् विस्मरति स्म . सर्वे तस्य सहपाथिन: तस्य उफासं कुर्वन्ति स्म .
*** किसी पुराने समय में एक बालक था। उसका नाम बोपदेव था। वह काम बुद्धि वाला विद्यार्थी थ. वह जो भी पढता वह सब भूल जाता था। उसके सारे सहपाठी उसका उपहास / मज़ाक उड़ाया करते थे।
एकदा तस्य गुरु: तस्योपरि कुपित: अभवत् तं विद्यालयात् च बहि: अकरोत् . आत्मसम्मानेन् वञ्चित: भूत्वा स: अचिन्तयत् - "अहं नूनम् मूर्ख: अस्मि, मम भाग्ये विद्या नास्ति .
*** एक बार उसके गुरु ने बहुत क्रोधित होकर उसे विद्यालय से बाहर निकाल दिया . आत्म्सम्मान् से वंचित होने पर (ठेस लगने पर) उसने सोचा , " मैं अवश्य ही मूर्ख हूँ , मेरे भाग्य में विद्या नहीं है। "
दुखित: सन् बोपदेव इतस्तत: भ्रमणम् अकरोत् . एकदा मार्गे गच्छन् बोपदेव: एकं कूपम् अपश्यत् . तत्र काश्चन नार्य: जलेन घटान पूरयन्ति स्म .
*** दुखी होकर बोपदेव इधर - उधर घूमने लगा। एक बार रास्ते में जाते हुए उसने एक कुँआ देखा। वहाँ पर कुछ औरतें अपने घड़ों में पानी भर रहीं थीं।
स: तत्र स्थित भूत्वा आश्चर्येण् अपश्यत् - यस्यां शिलायां स्त्रिय ; घटं स्थापयन्ति स्म: तत्र एक: गर्त: अभवत् . एतत् दृष्ट्वा बोपदेव; अचिन्तयत् - यदि घटेन शिलाखण्डे गर्त; भवति तर्हि पुन: पुन: अभ्यासेन मम बुद्धि अपि तीव्रा भविष्यति .
*** वहाँ रूककर वह आश्चर्यपूर्वक देखने लगा। जहाँ पर औरतों ने घड़े रखे थे, वहा एक गड्ढा उभर आया था। यह देखकर बोपदेव सोचने लगा , यदि घड़ों से पत्थर पर गड्ढा बन सकता है, तो मेरे बार - बार अभ्यास / प्रयत्न करने पर मेरी बुद्धि भी तीव्र हो सकती है।
एवं चिन्तयित्वा बोपदेवा: पुन: विद्याप्राप्त्यै संकल्पम् अकरोत् . दत्तचित: भूत्वा स: परिश्रमेण अपठत . एवं कालान्तरे स; सहपाथिनाम् आचार्याणाम् च स्नेहं प्राप्तं .
*** ऐसा सोचकर बोपदेव ने फिर से पढ़ने का निश्चय किया. एकमन होकर उसने बहुत परिश्रम के साथ पढ़ाई की। ऐसे ही कुछ समय बाद उसके सहपाठी और गुरु का प्यार उसे मिला।
एष: (respectable form) संस्कृत व्याकरणस्य महान् पण्डित: वरदराज: इति अभिधानेन प्रसिद्दः अभवत् . स: लघुसिद्धान्त कौमुदिनामकं, संस्कृत - व्याकरणस्य पुस्तकं अरचयत् .
*** यह संस्कृत व्याकरण (grammar) के महान पंडित, वरदराज के नाम से जाने जाते हैं। इन्होनें लघुसिद्धान्त कौमुदी नामक संस्कृत व्याकरण का पुस्तक रचा (की रचना की).
सबकी दोस्त,
लक्ष्मी आर. श्रीनिवासन। :-)))
Monday, 24 November 2014
Last minute ! :-)))
- He said, "I like this song."
He said he liked that / the song.
She asked me where my sister was.
- "I don't speak Italian," she said.
She said that she didn't speak Italian. - "Say hello to Jim," they said.
They asked me to say hello to Jim. - "The film began at seven o'clock," he said.
He said that the film began at seven o' clock. - "Don't play on the grass, boys," she said.
She told the boys not to play on grass. - "Where have you spent your money?" she asked him.
She asked him where he had spent his money. - "I never make mistakes," he said.
He said that he never makes / made mistakes. - "Does she know Robert?" he wanted to know.
He wanted to know whether she knew Robert. - "Don't try this at home," the stuntman told the audience.
The stuntman advised the audience not try the stunts at home.
Lakshmi R. Srinivasan :-)))
Thursday, 20 November 2014
Lesson - 11 Bhaarat Gaan
भारत - गान
मौखिक प्रश्न - उत्तर
ख. 'धरती पर स्वर्ग की कल्पना है यदि कहीं पर'.
ग. ' दे चंद्रयान नारा अपना महान भारत ' . '
उ. क. 'वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम' यानी पूरा विश्व ही एक कुटुंब है , कुम्बा है, परिवार है. ऐसा भारतीय लोग तब कल्पित कर चुके थे जब ' ग्लोबल विलेज' या 'ग्लोबलाइज़ेशन ' जैसा शब्द किसी के ध्यान में न आए होंगे. विश्वग्राम और वैश्वीकरण के बारे में किसी ने सोचा तक ना था।
ख. ऐसा कहा और माना जाता है कि स्वर्ग में सब सुख होते हैं। हरियाली होती है, झीलें होती है, फूलों से लड़े बाग़ होते हैं। देवता शिकारों में बैठ कर जल - विहार करते हैं. यह सब स्वर्ग के रूप में कश्मीर में है। सो कह सकते हैं कि धरती पर अगर कहीं स्वर्ग है, तो वह कश्मीर में है।
ग. भारत का चंद्रयान नामक अंतरिक्षयान चन्द्रमा तक पहुँचने में सफल रहा है। इससे दुनिया को अंतरिक्ष विज्ञान क्षेत्र में हमारी क्षमताओं का पता चल गया। वह दिन दूर नहीं अब भारतीय अंतरिक्ष अनुसन्धानिक, वैज्ञानिक, अन्य ग्रहों तक अंतरिक्ष यान भेजेंगे।
दीर्घउत्तरीय प्रश्न उत्तर
१. भारत को' धरती का स्वर्ग' क्यों कहा जाता है ?
उ. भारत की भौगोलिक स्तिथि, सांस्कृतिक वैभव, ऋतू - परिवर्तन , रीती - रिवाज़ आदि की उत्कृष्टता, इसे अन्य देशों से अलग स्थापित करती है। यहां अनेक नदिया धरती को उर्वर बनाए रखती हैं , तो पर्वत श्रृंखलाएँ ऋतू - चक्र को प्रभावित करती हैं। यहां की भौतिक और बौद्धिक सम्पदा से पाश्चात्य देश सदा आकर्षित होते रहे हैं। यहां के प्राकृतिक दृश्य सहज ही सब का मन मोह लेते हैं। इसी आधार पर भारत को धरती का स्वर्ग कहा गया है।
२. हमें किनका ऋणी होना चाहिए और क्यों ?
उ. कविता के आधार पर कहा जा सकता है कि जिस किसी ने भी भारत को समृद्ध करने के लिए अपना बलिदान दिया, हमें उन सबका ऋणी होना चाहिए. जैसे सैनिक, वैज्ञानिक, राजनितिक, विचारक, दार्शनिक आदि।
३. 'जल, जीव और जीवन-संभावना शशि पर' भावार्थ स्पष्ट कीजिए।
उ. इससे कवि ने चंद्रयान के माध्यम से भारत की वैज्ञानिक उपलब्धियों की ओर संकेत किया है। वे कहना चाहते हैं कि वह दिन दूर नहीं जब हमारे वैज्ञानिक चन्द्रमा पर जा-जीव और जीवन खोजकर बस्तिया बनाने में सफल होंगे।
४. कल्पना और सुनीता कौओं हैं ?
उ. कल्पना चावला करनाल की रहने वाली थीं। वे 'नासा' की ओर से एक बार अंतरिक्ष में हो आई थीं। वे अंतरिक्ष में जाने वाली प्रथम भारतीय महिला बनीं। उन्हें पुन : स्पेस में जाने के लिए चुना गया था। दुर्भाग्यवश दूसरी अंतरिक्ष यात्रा के दौरान अंतरिक्षयान के क्षतिग्रस्त हो जाने से उनकी मृत्यु हो गई। इसी प्रकार सुनीता विलियम्स चाँद पर कदम रखने वाली दूसरी भारतीय्या महिला थीं।
जीवनमूल्यपरक प्रश्न - उत्तर
१. भारत के नागरिक होने के कारण आपके कुछ अधिकार भी हैं तो कर्त्तव्य और ज़िम्मेदारी भि. आप उन्हें कैसे पूरा करना चाहेंगे ?
उ. किसी भी नागरिक को उसके देश का संविधान कुछ मौलिक अधिकार देता है तो उससे कुछ कर्तव्यों का पालन करने की आशा भी करता है। भारत का नागरिक होने के नाते मुझे छ : मौलिक अधिकार प्राप्त हैं, जिनका मैं निर्भय होकर उपयोग कर सकता हूँ। इसी के साथ मेरे कुछ कर्त्तव्य भी हैं , जैसे , अपने राष्ट्रीय रतिकों का सम्मान करना , अपने संविधान की मर्यादा का पालन करना, अपने किसी भी कार्य से अपने राष्ट्र की छवि धूमिल होने का अवसर न देना , देश में आतंरिक अमन - शान्ति बनाए रखने में अपना योगदान देना, राष्ट्रीय संपत्ति को क्षति न पहुंचाना. सुसभ्य नागरिक की तरह आचरण करके और शांतिप्रिय सहरी की तरह जीवनयापन करना चाहिए।
बस ख़त्म।
सबकी दोस्त ,
लक्ष्मी आर श्रीनिवासन। :-)))
Wednesday, 19 November 2014
Hi! :-)))
Dear H, S, K & Y
Some of you got an A+, some A and others did OK! Now, that's OK. I am a trier myself and like others like me too. Please don't go on a comparison mode. Have Hope! With regular practice, you'll do well!
करत - करत अभ्यास ते, जड़मति होत सुजान।
रसरी आवत जात तें , सिल पर परत निसान।
Meaning: With regular practice anyone can accomplish anything.
Remember Hare and Tortoise. Regular, small baby steps!
Now, here's a video, yes inspirational again!
Adults who are reading this, I saw me and my kids and other things I was ready on giving up!
Forever your friend,
Lakshmi R. Srinivasan. :-)))
Some of you got an A+, some A and others did OK! Now, that's OK. I am a trier myself and like others like me too. Please don't go on a comparison mode. Have Hope! With regular practice, you'll do well!
करत - करत अभ्यास ते, जड़मति होत सुजान।
रसरी आवत जात तें , सिल पर परत निसान।
Meaning: With regular practice anyone can accomplish anything.
Remember Hare and Tortoise. Regular, small baby steps!
Now, here's a video, yes inspirational again!
Adults who are reading this, I saw me and my kids and other things I was ready on giving up!
Forever your friend,
Lakshmi R. Srinivasan. :-)))
Tuesday, 18 November 2014
Answers to Reported Speech! :-)))
1. I said I liked him / her.
2. She said it was too early.
3. He said he had given.
4. Tarun said he met me last month.
5. Shilpi said that she can't go.
6. He said he could err.
7. He said that the Blue Whale is the largest mammal on earth.
8. She said that she may lend me some.
9. She said that she had been doing some research.
10. He insisted that Ankit needed some rest.
11. I informed that I hadn't completed my work.
12. He said that if he were younger he would accept it.
13. She informed that she was with him last week.
14. She ordered that the dirty dishes shouldn't be left on the table.
15. She said that she was calling the cops.
16. She said that she would buy it.
17. He said that they used to be friends.
18. The police said that the hadn't seen the vehicle coming from the opposite direction.
Those who got the answers right, give a pat on your back or treat yourself to something nice and those DARLINGS who didn't get it right, have a heart, with practice, you could outdo your failures.
Forever your friend,
Lakshmi R. Srinivasan. :-)))
2. She said it was too early.
3. He said he had given.
4. Tarun said he met me last month.
5. Shilpi said that she can't go.
6. He said he could err.
7. He said that the Blue Whale is the largest mammal on earth.
8. She said that she may lend me some.
9. She said that she had been doing some research.
10. He insisted that Ankit needed some rest.
11. I informed that I hadn't completed my work.
12. He said that if he were younger he would accept it.
13. She informed that she was with him last week.
14. She ordered that the dirty dishes shouldn't be left on the table.
15. She said that she was calling the cops.
16. She said that she would buy it.
17. He said that they used to be friends.
18. The police said that the hadn't seen the vehicle coming from the opposite direction.
Those who got the answers right, give a pat on your back or treat yourself to something nice and those DARLINGS who didn't get it right, have a heart, with practice, you could outdo your failures.
Forever your friend,
Lakshmi R. Srinivasan. :-)))
Wednesday, 12 November 2014
Lesson - 9 Exercises!
महर्षि : दयानन्द :
1. निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के एक पद मे उत्तर दीजिए -
क. महर्षे: दयानन्दस्य पितु: नाम: किं आसीत्?
उ. महर्षे: दयानन्दस्य पितु: नाम अम्बाशन्कर: आसीत् .
ख. महर्षे: दयानन्दस्य जन्म नाम किं आसीत् ?
उ. महर्षे: दयानन्दस्य जन्म नाम मूलशङ्कर्: आसीत्.
ग. महर्षे: दयानन्दस्य गुरु: क: आसीत् ?
उ. महर्षे: दयानन्दस्य गुरु: प्रग्याचक्षुस्वामी विरजानन्द: आसीत् .
घ. स: बाल्यकालादेव कीदृश: स्वभाव: आसीत् ?
उ. स: बाल्यकालादेव विरक्त: स्वभाव: आसीत् .
ङ महर्षि दयानन्द: कस्य धर्मस्य प्रचारं कृतवान् ?
उ. महर्षि दयानन्द: वैधिक: धर्मस्य प्रचारं कृतवान् .
2. पूर्ण्वाक्य मे उत्तर दीजिए -
क. महर्षि दयानन्दस्य जन्म कस्मिन् प्रान्ते अभवत् ?
उ. महर्षि दयानन्दस्य जन्म काठियावाढ प्रान्ते अभवत् .
ख. महर्षि दयानन्द: किं प्रतिज्ञातवान ?
उ. महर्षि दयानन्द: समाजात अज्ञानस्य अन्धकारम् दुरिकर्तुं ग्यानन्ञ्च् प्रकाशयितुं प्रतिज्ञातवान .
ग. वैदिक धर्मस्य प्रचारं कर्तुम् स: किं कृतवान् ?
उ. वैदिक धर्मस्य प्रचारं कर्तुम् आर्यसमाजम् स्थापितवान् .
घ. स: कस्य शिष्योभवत ?
उ. स: प्रग्याचक्षुस्वामी विरजानन्द: शिष्योभवत .
ङ महर्षे: दयानन्दस्य पञ्चग्रन्थानम् नामानि लिखत .
उ. गोकरुणनिधि: , पञ्चमहायग्यविधि: , स्वमनतव्यामन्तव्य प्रकाश: , ऋग्वेदादि भस्य भूमिका, संस्कार विधि: च .
3. रिक्त स्थानोन की पूर्ति कीजिए :
क. बाल्यकाले स: शिवभक्त: आसीत् .
ख. गृहं गत्वा स: सन्यासम् गृहीतवान .
ग. असौ सर्वप्रथम मुंबई नगरे आर्यसमाजम् स्थापितवान् .
घ. भारतदेश: सदैव तस्य ऋणी भविष्यति .
ङ . स: बाल्यकालादेव विरक्तस्वभाव: आसीत् .
4. निम्नलिखित पदों मे वचन बदलिए :
पद बहुवचन
अभवत् अभवन्
आसीत् आसन
प्रतिज्ञावान प्रतिज्ञावन्त:
भविष्यति भविष्यत:
कृतवान कृतव:
गृहीतवान गृहीतवन्त:
स्थापितवान् स्थापितवन्त:
5. उचित मिलान करके वाक्य बनाइए :
(अ) (ब)
स: बाल्यकालादेव विरक्त स्वभाव: आसीत् .
अस्य पितु: नाम अम्बाशन्कर: आसीत् .
परं पश्चात् स: निराकारस्य ईश्वरस्य पूजाम् कर्तुं आरभत .
गृहं त्यक्त्वा स: सन्यासम् गृहीतवान .
भारतदेश: सदैव तस्य ऋणी भविष्यति .
6. सही विकल्प के सामने सही का चिह्न लगाइए :
क. महर्षे: दयानन्दस्य जन्म काथियावद प्रान्ते विप्रस्य गृहे अभवत् .
ख. असौ सर्वप्रथमं आर्यसमाजम् स्थापितवान् - मुंबई नगरे
ग. स्वामी दयानन्दो भारते परिभ्रम्य सर्वत्र प्रचारं अकरोत् - वैदिक धर्मस्य .
7. निम्नलिखित पदों मे विभक्ति तथा वचन बताइए :
पद विभक्ति वचन
ईश्वरस्य षष्ठी एकवचन
पितु: षष्ठी एकवचन
आर्यसमाजेन् तृतीया एकवचन
गुरुकुलानि प्रथमा / द्वितीया बहुवचन
स्वामिना तृतीया एकवचन
महान् प्रथमा एकवचन
बस खतम . :--)))
सबकी दोस्त ,
लक्ष्मी आर। श्रीनिवासन। :-)))
Tuesday, 11 November 2014
Hindi Grammar
पाठ - ११
व्याकरण - बोध
क. दिवाकर शब्द आकाश का पर्यायवाची नहीं है।
ख. सागर का पर्यायवाची है - सिंधु।
ग. कौन - सा शब्द धरती का पर्यायवाची है ? वसुंधरा
घ. कौन - सा शब्द पानी का पर्यायवाची नहीं है ? वारिज
ङ। गंगा हिमालय से निकलती है। गंगा के स्थान पर कौन - सा शब्द आ सकता है ? भागीरथी।
संधि - विच्छेद
क. रत्नाकार - रत्न + आकार
ख. स्वाधीनता - स्वाधीन + ता
ग. धर्मात्मा - धर्म + आत्मा
घ. दिवाकर - दिवा + कर
ङ धर्माधर्म - धर्म + अधर्म
च. विद्यार्थी - विद्या + अर्थी
छ . नित्यानंद - नित्य + आनंद
ज. वार्तालाप - वार्ता + आलाप
झ. दयानंद - दया + आनंद
ञ। सत्यार्थ - सत्य + अर्थ
सबकी दोस्त ,
लक्ष्मी आर. श्रीनिवासन :-)))
बाकी कल या अगले पोस्ट मे.
Sunday, 9 November 2014
Exercises on Modals! :-))
Fill in the blanks:
1. ..................... you drive a car when you were 10?
2. We ................... see the first half hour of the concert as our vehicle broke down.
3. I searched for the file long, but I ..................... find it at the end of the day.
4. I ...................... do this all by myself, ..................... you please help me?
5. We have lots to do on Monday. You ....................... be late.
6. This is highly confidential. You ............................... share it with anyone else.
6. The park is free for all. You .......................... to pay an entry fee.
7. I ..................... do any housework. I've people do it for me.
8. He is a billionaire. He .................................. to go to work.
9. He excels in all the exams. He ...................... studying a lot.
10.Mani couldn't find his keys. He though he .............................. left it on the desk.
11. It ......................................... cold in England. Please don't forget to pack your leather coat.
12. She's got so many CD's with her. She ............................... really love music.
13. She ................................. very sleepy. She was up all night.
14. What's he doing in our neighbourhood? He ..................... be lost.
15. She ................................. be our new Professor! She looks too young!
16. He always gets a low grade in this subject. He ................................... put in extra effort.
1. ..................... you drive a car when you were 10?
2. We ................... see the first half hour of the concert as our vehicle broke down.
3. I searched for the file long, but I ..................... find it at the end of the day.
4. I ...................... do this all by myself, ..................... you please help me?
5. We have lots to do on Monday. You ....................... be late.
6. This is highly confidential. You ............................... share it with anyone else.
6. The park is free for all. You .......................... to pay an entry fee.
7. I ..................... do any housework. I've people do it for me.
8. He is a billionaire. He .................................. to go to work.
9. He excels in all the exams. He ...................... studying a lot.
10.Mani couldn't find his keys. He though he .............................. left it on the desk.
11. It ......................................... cold in England. Please don't forget to pack your leather coat.
12. She's got so many CD's with her. She ............................... really love music.
13. She ................................. very sleepy. She was up all night.
14. What's he doing in our neighbourhood? He ..................... be lost.
15. She ................................. be our new Professor! She looks too young!
16. He always gets a low grade in this subject. He ................................... put in extra effort.
Exercises for practice! :-))
1. I said, "I like you."
2. She said, "It is too early."
3. He said, "I have given."
4. Tarun said, "I met you last month."
5. Shilpi said, "I cannot go."
6. "I could err", he said.
7. "The Blue Whale is the largest mammal on earth.", he said.
8. "I may lend you some.", she said.
9. "I have been doing some research.", she said.
10. "Ankit needs rest.", he said.
11. I haven't completed it yet.", I said.
12. "If I were younger, I'd accept it." , he said.
13. "I was with him last week.", she said.
14. "You shouldn't leave the dirty dishes on the table.", she said.
15. "I'm calling the cops.", she said.
16. She said, "I would buy it.".
17. He said, "We used to be friends."
18. The police said, "He hadn't seen the vehicle coming from the other direction."
I'll be giving the answers by Thursday. So till then enjoy (?!) your Sunday! IIf you don't get it, don't fret. I'll help.
Forever your friend,
Lakshmi R. Srinivasan. :-)))
2. She said, "It is too early."
3. He said, "I have given."
4. Tarun said, "I met you last month."
5. Shilpi said, "I cannot go."
6. "I could err", he said.
7. "The Blue Whale is the largest mammal on earth.", he said.
8. "I may lend you some.", she said.
9. "I have been doing some research.", she said.
10. "Ankit needs rest.", he said.
11. I haven't completed it yet.", I said.
12. "If I were younger, I'd accept it." , he said.
13. "I was with him last week.", she said.
14. "You shouldn't leave the dirty dishes on the table.", she said.
15. "I'm calling the cops.", she said.
16. She said, "I would buy it.".
17. He said, "We used to be friends."
18. The police said, "He hadn't seen the vehicle coming from the other direction."
I'll be giving the answers by Thursday. So till then enjoy (?!) your Sunday! IIf you don't get it, don't fret. I'll help.
Forever your friend,
Lakshmi R. Srinivasan. :-)))
Saturday, 8 November 2014
Worksheet - 7
Some of the following are the modals used in conversation:
Can, Could, May, Might, Will, Would, Must, Shall, Should, Ought to.
We use modals in the following cases:
a. To predict probability:
To convey our surety about something that has happened, is happening or will happen.
1. Its been raining since Tuesday, hence the rivers must be overflowing.
2. My book is yet to arrive, it might have got lost in transit.
3. This can't be. I thought they would win, after all the hard work they put in the coaching.
b. Speaking about ability:
1. I can speak five languages.
2. Leo could play the piano beautifully.
3. He can't swim.
c. Advice:
1. You must exercise daily to keep fit.
2. He should quit smoking.
3. Entrants have to dress formally.
d. Permission:
1. Can we go to the movie this weekend, please?
2. You may not use the mobile while the meeting is on.
3. Could I use your car today?
e. Habits:
1. When we were in Delhi, we would often visit India Gate over the weekends.
2. She will always be fussy.
I will be giving exercises in the next post.
Notice that in the above statement will be predicts probability. :-))
Forever your Friend,
Lakshmi R. Srinivasan :-)))
Thursday, 6 November 2014
Lesson - 7 The Open Window!
The Open Window
Q.1. Why is Vera described as a 'very confident young lady of fifteen'?
Ans: Mr.Nuttel considers Vera a very confident young lady of fifteen, from the way she conducts herself and the pleasant manner in which she receives him - a total stranger - while her aunt is busy.
Q.2. Why does Vera ask Mr.Nuttel so many questions?
Ans: Vera asks Mr.Nuttel so many questions in order to make sure that Mr.Nuttel was not familiar with anyone in the neighbourhood, especially her aunt. The knowledge of his unfamiliarity was necessary for the stories she was going to make up soon after.
Q.3. Why was the girl sure that Framton Nuttel would believe her story about the three men and their dog?
Ans: Mr.Nuttel was unfamiliar about the stories in the neighbourhood and therefore easily for Vera's story and the fact that the window was open on a cold, windy morning, convinced him beyond doubt.
Q.4. Why did Framton Nuttel think that the three men entering through the French window were ghosts?
Ans: Vera had just told Mr.Nuttel the story of her aunt's husband and her two brothers having drowned on one of their shooting episode, three years earlier. When he saw the three men entering the house through the French window, he thought that they were ghosts.
Q.5. What did Nuttel after he saw them?
Ans: After Nuttel saw them, he grabbed his hat and stick and left the Sappleton's house in a hurry.
Q.6. What reason does Vera give for Mr.Nuttel's odd behaviour?
Ans: Vera tells the others that Mr.Nuttel must have been scared by the sight of the Spaniel, for he had once been attacked by a pack of stray dogs on the banks of the Ganges river, which had forced him to spend a night in a newly dug up grave with the creatures grinning around him.
C.1. Mr.Sappleton says, 'One would think he had seen a ghost'. What is ironical about her statement?
Ans: The irony here is that Mr.Sappleton uses the term only as a means of expression, without realising that in truth Mr.nuttel left the way he did because he truly believed he was seeing ghosts, having heard the story Vera made up earlier.
C.2. Vera tells the story very carefully, how does her dramatic style make it more effective? Give examples to support your answer.
Ans: Vera builds up a story very carefully using a real scene to make up a story that forces Mr.Nuttel to believe her. The dramatic impact is further highlighted by her choice of words like, 'Drowned in a dangerous piece of bog', 'Dreadful wet summer' and 'Bodies were never recovered'.
Potion for FA-3,
MCB - Unit-5, W.B. - Unit-5, Lit. - 7.
Lakshmi. :-)))
Q.1. Why is Vera described as a 'very confident young lady of fifteen'?
Ans: Mr.Nuttel considers Vera a very confident young lady of fifteen, from the way she conducts herself and the pleasant manner in which she receives him - a total stranger - while her aunt is busy.
Q.2. Why does Vera ask Mr.Nuttel so many questions?
Ans: Vera asks Mr.Nuttel so many questions in order to make sure that Mr.Nuttel was not familiar with anyone in the neighbourhood, especially her aunt. The knowledge of his unfamiliarity was necessary for the stories she was going to make up soon after.
Q.3. Why was the girl sure that Framton Nuttel would believe her story about the three men and their dog?
Ans: Mr.Nuttel was unfamiliar about the stories in the neighbourhood and therefore easily for Vera's story and the fact that the window was open on a cold, windy morning, convinced him beyond doubt.
Q.4. Why did Framton Nuttel think that the three men entering through the French window were ghosts?
Ans: Vera had just told Mr.Nuttel the story of her aunt's husband and her two brothers having drowned on one of their shooting episode, three years earlier. When he saw the three men entering the house through the French window, he thought that they were ghosts.
Q.5. What did Nuttel after he saw them?
Ans: After Nuttel saw them, he grabbed his hat and stick and left the Sappleton's house in a hurry.
Q.6. What reason does Vera give for Mr.Nuttel's odd behaviour?
Ans: Vera tells the others that Mr.Nuttel must have been scared by the sight of the Spaniel, for he had once been attacked by a pack of stray dogs on the banks of the Ganges river, which had forced him to spend a night in a newly dug up grave with the creatures grinning around him.
C.1. Mr.Sappleton says, 'One would think he had seen a ghost'. What is ironical about her statement?
Ans: The irony here is that Mr.Sappleton uses the term only as a means of expression, without realising that in truth Mr.nuttel left the way he did because he truly believed he was seeing ghosts, having heard the story Vera made up earlier.
C.2. Vera tells the story very carefully, how does her dramatic style make it more effective? Give examples to support your answer.
Ans: Vera builds up a story very carefully using a real scene to make up a story that forces Mr.Nuttel to believe her. The dramatic impact is further highlighted by her choice of words like, 'Drowned in a dangerous piece of bog', 'Dreadful wet summer' and 'Bodies were never recovered'.
Potion for FA-3,
MCB - Unit-5, W.B. - Unit-5, Lit. - 7.
Lakshmi. :-)))
Dear S & H,
a. Like you both asked, why am I not sending regular updates, the main reason behind this is, lack of time or more so finding it :-))
b. The reason for posting Q/A is one of my friends, needed it once, so I am still doing that.
c. Why am I not explaining word - by - word like before, see I didn't really get any comments as I have been time and again asking for it. But, never really did get one. You too called me up instead post it in the space provided for that, would be easier.
d. What's with the inspirational videos?
Some of us weren't lucky enough in the exams, it is for them, so that they don't feel left out. It's really important for me to concentrate on the weaker ones, as they need more of my support.
So, in future, for any of your requirements, kindly using the comments space.
Thanks & Regards,
Forever your friend,
Lakshmi :-)))
a. Like you both asked, why am I not sending regular updates, the main reason behind this is, lack of time or more so finding it :-))
b. The reason for posting Q/A is one of my friends, needed it once, so I am still doing that.
c. Why am I not explaining word - by - word like before, see I didn't really get any comments as I have been time and again asking for it. But, never really did get one. You too called me up instead post it in the space provided for that, would be easier.
d. What's with the inspirational videos?
Some of us weren't lucky enough in the exams, it is for them, so that they don't feel left out. It's really important for me to concentrate on the weaker ones, as they need more of my support.
So, in future, for any of your requirements, kindly using the comments space.
Thanks & Regards,
Forever your friend,
Lakshmi :-)))
Tuesday, 4 November 2014
Hindi Lesson - 9 Beej Paudhe kaa Janm!
बीज पौधे का जन्म
मौखिक प्रश्न उत्तर
प्र। १ वर्षा और बीज का क्या सम्बन्ध है?
उ १ वर्षा और बीज का घनिष्ठ सम्बन्ध है। वर्षा के होने पर ही बीज अंकुरित होतें हैं।
प्र २ लेखक ने अंकुर की तुलना किस्से और क्यों की है ?
उ २ लेखक ने अंकुर की तुलना शिशु से की है क्योंकि जिस प्रकार मानव का सबसे छोटा रूप शिशु है, उसी प्रकार अंकुर भी पौधे का सबसे छोटा रूप है।
प्र ३ पेड़ के शरीर में 'रास' कैसे पहुंचता है ?
उ ३ पेड़ के शरीर में 'रस' जड़ द्वारा मिट्टी से होकर पहुंचता है।
प्र ४ फूलों के घनिष्ठता किन - किन चीज़ों से है?
उ ४ फूलों की घनिष्ठता मधुमक्खियों तथा तितलियों से है।
प्र ५ पौधा अन्धकार से प्रकाश की ओर ही कइयों बढ़ता है ?
उ ५ पेड़ - पौधे सूर्य से ऊर्जा लेकर ही पल्लवित होतें हैं। इसलिए वे अन्धकार से प्रकाश की ओर ही बढ़ते हैं।
दीर्घउत्तरीय प्रश्न उत्तर
प्र १ पौधे को औंधा क्यों लटकाए रखा गया ?
उ १ परीक्षण करने के लिए गमले को औंधा लटकाए रखा गया। परीक्षण यह जांचने के लिए था कि जड़ों का विकास निचे की ओर तथा तने का विकास ऊपर की ओर ही होता है।
प्र २ पेड़ - पौड़ी किस प्रकार का भोजन करते हैं ?
उ २ पेड़ - पौधे तरल द्रव्य या वायु से भोजन ग्रहण करते हैं। वे जड़ द्वारा माटी से रास पान करते हैं। माटी में पानी डालने पर उसकी भीतर बहुत - से तरल द्रव्य गाल जाते हैं। पेड़ - पौधे वे तमाम द्रव्य सोख लेते है तथा उसी द्रव्य से पोषित होते हैं।
प्र ३ आहार ग्रहण करने में पेड़ के पत्ते किस प्रकार मदद करते हैं ?
उ ३ पत्तों में अनगिनत छोटे - छोटे मुंह होते हैं। सूक्ष्मदर्शी यन्त्र की सहायता से अनगिनत मुंह पर अनगिनत होंठ दिखाई पडतें हैं। जब पेड़ को आहार की आवश्यकता होती है , तब इनके अनगिनत होंठ खुल जातें है तथा पेड़ पत्ते से आहार ग्रहण करते हैं।
प्र ४ अंगारक वायु सभी जीव - जंतुओं के लिए हानिकारक है , क्यों ?
उ ४ जब हम श्वास - प्रश्वास ग्रहण करते हैं तब प्रश्वास के साथ विषाक्त वायु बाहर निकलती है , जिसे 'अंगारक वायु' कहते हैं। यह अंगारक वायु ज़हरीली होने के कारण जीव - जंतुओं के लिए घातक होती है, क्युकी इसके सेवन से वे नष्ट होते हैं।
प्र ५ पेड़ - पौधे अंगारक वायु को कैसे शुद्ध करते हैं ?
उ ५ पेड़ के पत्तों पर जब सूर्य का प्रकाश पड़ता है , तब पत्ते सूर्य - ऊर्जा के सहारे अंगारक वायु से अंगार समाप्त का डालते हैं। वहीँ अंगार पेड़ के शरीर में प्रवेश करके उसके विकास में मदद करती है। इस प्रकार पेड़ - पौधे अंगारक वायु का सेवन करके हमें शुद्ध वायु देते हैं।
प्र ६ मधुमक्खी के आगमन से पौधों का उपकार कैसे होता है ?
उ ६ मधुमक्खियां एक फूल के परागकण दुसरी फूल ले जाते हैं। इन पराग कानों के मिलने से ही बीज पकता है। बीज पकने पर ही नया पौधा जन्म लेता है। अत: यह कहा जा सकता है कि मधुमक्खियों के आगमन से पेड़ - पौधों का उपकार होता है।
प्र ७ ऐसा क्यों कहा गया ही कि ;
क जड़ नीचे की ओर जाएगी और तना ऊपर की ओर उठेगा ?
उ ऐसा इसलिए कहा गया है क्यूंकि, यह प्रकृति का नियम है कि पौधे प्रकाश की ओर ही बढ़ते हैं।
ख सोचकर देखा जाए तो हम भी प्रकाश की खुराक पाने पर ही जीवित हैं।
उ सूर्य का प्रकाश प्राणदायी होता है। हमारे द्वारा खाया जाने वाला अनाज और सब्ज़ियाँ सूर्य की प्रकाश से ही उपजती हैं। इसलिए यह कहा गया है कि हम भी सूर्य की खुराक पाने आर ही जीवित हैं।
ग ममता का पाससे पाते ही मानो माटी और अंगार फूल बन जाते हैं।
उ फूलों में ही पेड़ - पौधों की संतान - बीज पलते हैं। जब वे बढ़ते हैं तो मानो ऐसा लगता है कि पेड़ द्वारा सेवन की गई माटी और अंगार ममता से सराबोर होकर फूल बन गए हों।
सबकी दोस्त ,
लक्ष्मी। :-)))
सबकी दोस्त ,
लक्ष्मी। :-)))
Monday, 3 November 2014
Please watch this 4 ur own good! It did inspire me and will do the same 2 u 2.
We are all not endowed with everything, but everyone of us has some special quality. The rule is to find it, polish and enjoy doing that.
I was never good at maths, only average, but good with words and languages and hence the birth of this blog! Also GOD has gifted me an uncanny sense of humour to see the positive side of almost anything. My musical sense keeps me sane during stress. The key is in finding your stress busting mantra and stick to it. Be it:
Talking and helping out people and .... the list goes on!
Never give up! Rise and shine for that is what life is all about!
The thing in life is to learn from your mistakes, not to repeat them and move forward with confidence. We all have it in ourselves to make a CHOICE. To go rotten or flower and spread fragrance. Not just in our lives, but in others too.
Lakshmi R. Srinivasan. :-)))
Please watch this 4 ur own good! It did inspire me and will do the same 2 u 2.
We are all not endowed with everything, but everyone of us has some special quality. The rule is to find it, polish and enjoy doing that.
I was never good at maths, only average, but good with words and languages and hence the birth of this blog! Also GOD has gifted me an uncanny sense of humour to see the positive side of almost anything. My musical sense keeps me sane during stress. The key is in finding your stress busting mantra and stick to it. Be it:
Talking and helping out people and .... the list goes on!
Never give up! Rise and shine for that is what life is all about!
The thing in life is to learn from your mistakes, not to repeat them and move forward with confidence. We all have it in ourselves to make a CHOICE. To go rotten or flower and spread fragrance. Not just in our lives, but in others too.
Lakshmi R. Srinivasan. :-)))
Thursday, 30 October 2014
Dear parents / kids and teachers who are parents
and almost EVERYONE,
Please oh please watch this video.
Its just simply amazing! My family shared it with me on social media.
I don't know who said the following words, but they are true.
No matter what your field, what you do, don't think it's insignificant. The journey of a thousand miles, starts with a single step. And GOD! the obstacles we have to face like our own stupid innate inabilities, negative thoughts, friends and well-wishers (WHO MEAN NO HARM?!), their advises, thinking it's for our good and what not. That would be the "FALL", but once you regain your consciousness, and start running the race, with only your own self-confidence as motivation and a little?! bit of help from GOD, one could do AMAZING feats.
So, bottom line, "BELIEVE IN YOURSELF". YOU CAN!
With lots of LOVE and regards,
Your dear friend,
Laskhmi R. Srinivasan. :-)))
Dear parents / kids and teachers who are parents
and almost EVERYONE,
Please oh please watch this video.
Its just simply amazing! My family shared it with me on social media.
I don't know who said the following words, but they are true.
No matter what your field, what you do, don't think it's insignificant. The journey of a thousand miles, starts with a single step. And GOD! the obstacles we have to face like our own stupid innate inabilities, negative thoughts, friends and well-wishers (WHO MEAN NO HARM?!), their advises, thinking it's for our good and what not. That would be the "FALL", but once you regain your consciousness, and start running the race, with only your own self-confidence as motivation and a little?! bit of help from GOD, one could do AMAZING feats.
So, bottom line, "BELIEVE IN YOURSELF". YOU CAN!
With lots of LOVE and regards,
Your dear friend,
Laskhmi R. Srinivasan. :-)))
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Dear kids & parents
I'm not an expert, so mistakes will be there. Any suggestions / corrections / requirements would be welcome. Also consult the specific subject teachers. I'd be happy to help and also correct myself.
Please bear with wrongly spelt words.
With love and regards,
Lakshmi. :-))
Please bear with wrongly spelt words.
With love and regards,
Lakshmi. :-))
Exercises on Direct and Reported Speech! :-))
Krish : "There is an excellent movie playing ."
Reported Speech : Krish said there was an excellent movie playing.
Radhika: "I go for a swim every Saturday."
Radhika said that she goes for a swim every Saturday.
Prema: "I saw Vignesh at the theatre today."
Prema said that she saw Vignesh at the theatre.
Ram: "I am going to America next month."
Ram announced that he would be going to America the coming month.
Sri: "I'll be buying some new clothes for Diwali."
Sri said he would be buying some new clothes for Diwali.
Jaya: "I can't bear this pain anymore."
Jaya said she couldn't bear the pain furthermore.
Please try the exercises given in the textbook and workbook and if you need more, let me know. I'd be happy to help.
Friend forever,
Lakshmi. :-))
Reported Speech : Krish said there was an excellent movie playing.
Radhika: "I go for a swim every Saturday."
Radhika said that she goes for a swim every Saturday.
Prema: "I saw Vignesh at the theatre today."
Prema said that she saw Vignesh at the theatre.
Ram: "I am going to America next month."
Ram announced that he would be going to America the coming month.
Sri: "I'll be buying some new clothes for Diwali."
Sri said he would be buying some new clothes for Diwali.
Jaya: "I can't bear this pain anymore."
Jaya said she couldn't bear the pain furthermore.
Please try the exercises given in the textbook and workbook and if you need more, let me know. I'd be happy to help.
Friend forever,
Lakshmi. :-))
Tuesday, 28 October 2014
Shabd Roop
सा , का , राजन् , नदी , हरि , गुरु:, मातृ, पितृ
The above - mentioned ones would be there in term 2.
Lakshmi. :-))
The above - mentioned ones would be there in term 2.
Lakshmi. :-))
Lesson - 8 Exercises!
1. Q / A
a. कस्मिन्श्चिद अधिष्ठाने
b. अस्मद् उपार्जित वित्तस्य समभागो
c. कतिचिदस्थीनि
d. चर्म, मांस, रुधिरम्
e. को गुणो विदयाया:
2. यावज्जीवनम्
तावत् + सुबुद्धिना
वृक्षं + आरोहामि
अत: + अयम्
अ. राजप्रतिग्रहो
b . अस्थिसञ्चयम्
c . शास्त्रपरङ्गमुख:
d . अस्माकमेकश्चतुर्थो
e . तिष्ठतु
f . बुद्धि:
g . स्वोपार्जितम्
a . मित्रभावं x वैरभावम्
b . ज्येष्ठ: x कनिष्ठ:
c . सुबुद्धि: x दुर्बुद्धि:
d . सजीवम् x निर्जीवम्
e . विफ़लताम् x सफ़लताम्
f . गच्छ x आगच्छ
ब्राह्मणपुत्रा: प्रथमा एक
तेषां षष्ठी बहु
बुद्धिमान् द्वितिया बहु
स्वगृहं प्रथमा एक
वित्तस्य षष्ठी एक
कस्मिन्श्चिद अधिष्ठाने चत्वारो ब्राह्मण्पुत्रा: वसन्ति स्म .
त्वं गृहं गच्छ .
स: व्रिस्क्षादवतीर्य गृहं गत:
अहं वृक्षमारोहामि .
तै: मार्गे सिन्हेन् दृष्टानि.
Love and best wishes,
Lakshmi. :-)))
P.S. I've done whatever little I know. Please check with your respective teachers, please. There may be some spelling mistakes too so please consult your textbooks.
a. कस्मिन्श्चिद अधिष्ठाने
b. अस्मद् उपार्जित वित्तस्य समभागो
c. कतिचिदस्थीनि
d. चर्म, मांस, रुधिरम्
e. को गुणो विदयाया:
2. यावज्जीवनम्
तावत् + सुबुद्धिना
वृक्षं + आरोहामि
अत: + अयम्
अ. राजप्रतिग्रहो
b . अस्थिसञ्चयम्
c . शास्त्रपरङ्गमुख:
d . अस्माकमेकश्चतुर्थो
e . तिष्ठतु
f . बुद्धि:
g . स्वोपार्जितम्
a . मित्रभावं x वैरभावम्
b . ज्येष्ठ: x कनिष्ठ:
c . सुबुद्धि: x दुर्बुद्धि:
d . सजीवम् x निर्जीवम्
e . विफ़लताम् x सफ़लताम्
f . गच्छ x आगच्छ
ब्राह्मणपुत्रा: प्रथमा एक
तेषां षष्ठी बहु
बुद्धिमान् द्वितिया बहु
स्वगृहं प्रथमा एक
वित्तस्य षष्ठी एक
कस्मिन्श्चिद अधिष्ठाने चत्वारो ब्राह्मण्पुत्रा: वसन्ति स्म .
त्वं गृहं गच्छ .
स: व्रिस्क्षादवतीर्य गृहं गत:
अहं वृक्षमारोहामि .
तै: मार्गे सिन्हेन् दृष्टानि.
Love and best wishes,
Lakshmi. :-)))
P.S. I've done whatever little I know. Please check with your respective teachers, please. There may be some spelling mistakes too so please consult your textbooks.
Monday, 27 October 2014
DIrect & reported Speech! :--))
Direct speech is usually in the dialogue form. When we talk to a person we address them directly. Asking them and hearing their replies or vice - versa. when we put it down on paper, we write the person's name followed by a colon (:) and write the speech in dialogue form that is enclosed it within quotations / inverted commas.
Lakshmi: "Hi P! How are you?"
P: "I'm fine Lakshmi. I didn't see you for the past couple of days, where had you been?"
Like this! It can be in the formal or the informal mode.
Now for reported speech. This is what we find in newspapers. Whatever has been a part of a meeting, conversation or speech is reported to us.
Now, Mr.X would have said something like, "We / I will take strict action against people who are found smoking in theatres, restaurants or other public places. Such nonsense won't be tolerated." But when it is converted into reported speech, it sounds like this:
Mr.X said that an action will be taken against people found smoking in public places.
Lakshmi: "Where are you going?"
Ashwin: "I'm going to cycle."
That was direct speech.
Lakshmi asked Ashwin where he was going. Ashwin replied that he was going to cycle. Now we can also do away (avoid) that from the above sentence, it's not compulsory.
Note that the verb changes in Reported Speech is different from the one that's used in Direct Speech.
simple present → simple past will → would
past → past perfect can → could
present perfect → past perfect
This is true if the action is complete, while if the action is still going on or is set in future, the same verb could be used.
Lakshmi: "Hi P! How are you?"
P: "I'm fine Lakshmi. I didn't see you for the past couple of days, where had you been?"
Like this! It can be in the formal or the informal mode.
Now for reported speech. This is what we find in newspapers. Whatever has been a part of a meeting, conversation or speech is reported to us.
Now, Mr.X would have said something like, "We / I will take strict action against people who are found smoking in theatres, restaurants or other public places. Such nonsense won't be tolerated." But when it is converted into reported speech, it sounds like this:
Mr.X said that an action will be taken against people found smoking in public places.
Lakshmi: "Where are you going?"
Ashwin: "I'm going to cycle."
That was direct speech.
Lakshmi asked Ashwin where he was going. Ashwin replied that he was going to cycle. Now we can also do away (avoid) that from the above sentence, it's not compulsory.
Note that the verb changes in Reported Speech is different from the one that's used in Direct Speech.
simple present → simple past will → would
past → past perfect can → could
present perfect → past perfect
This is true if the action is complete, while if the action is still going on or is set in future, the same verb could be used.
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
Dear All!
Got a bit bz wid myself! Sorry par itna toh banta hi hai naa! ;-)
Don't worry! will start uploading the needful in a few days.
Your friend,
Lakshmi. :-))
Don't worry! will start uploading the needful in a few days.
Your friend,
Lakshmi. :-))
Sunday, 21 September 2014
Tuesday, 16 September 2014
Young Impala Lesson - 6
Complete these sentences:
1. We know that the young Impala was still very small because:
A. It had not yet sprouted it's first horns.
2. Young Impala started his day:
A. By prancing and leaping towards the river and then stopping by the bank to drink water and stare at the hippos lolling in the shallows.
3. Young Impala wanted to know why the Hippos:
A. Were slow to move on land, looked different from him and had thick bodies and short legs.
4. Mother Hippo's reply to Young Impala was:
A. `Little Impala, you are indeed graceful. We hippos can dive, swim and live in the river or on the land and do many interesting things, though it may be different from your ways. every creature is special in its own way. Someone will understand this.
5. One day, young Impala became very nervous as:
A. He couldn't see his herd anywhere.
6. The hippos helped young Impala by:
A. Arranging themselves side by side, creating a living bridge.
7. Young Impala learned the lesson that:
A. One must not judge any creature by their physical appearance and give credence to their own special identity.
Read these sentences and answer the questions that follow:
1. `Why are you not like me'?
a. Who is you? Who is me?
A. You is hippopotamus and me is the young Impala.
b. What is the difference between you and me?
A. You is the hippopotamus and me is the young Impala.
2. `I now understand the truth of what you said to me'.
a. Who says this? Who spoke to whom?
A. Young Impala says this to the Hippopotamus.
b. What did she say?
A. She says that every animal is different.
Imagine that you are the young Impala and you are back with your herd on the other side of the river. Write in the form of a dialogue, what you would have told your mother and how she would have helped you.
Everyone's Friend,
Lakshmi. :-))
1. We know that the young Impala was still very small because:
A. It had not yet sprouted it's first horns.
2. Young Impala started his day:
A. By prancing and leaping towards the river and then stopping by the bank to drink water and stare at the hippos lolling in the shallows.
3. Young Impala wanted to know why the Hippos:
A. Were slow to move on land, looked different from him and had thick bodies and short legs.
4. Mother Hippo's reply to Young Impala was:
A. `Little Impala, you are indeed graceful. We hippos can dive, swim and live in the river or on the land and do many interesting things, though it may be different from your ways. every creature is special in its own way. Someone will understand this.
5. One day, young Impala became very nervous as:
A. He couldn't see his herd anywhere.
6. The hippos helped young Impala by:
A. Arranging themselves side by side, creating a living bridge.
7. Young Impala learned the lesson that:
A. One must not judge any creature by their physical appearance and give credence to their own special identity.
Read these sentences and answer the questions that follow:
1. `Why are you not like me'?
a. Who is you? Who is me?
A. You is hippopotamus and me is the young Impala.
b. What is the difference between you and me?
A. You is the hippopotamus and me is the young Impala.
2. `I now understand the truth of what you said to me'.
a. Who says this? Who spoke to whom?
A. Young Impala says this to the Hippopotamus.
b. What did she say?
A. She says that every animal is different.
Imagine that you are the young Impala and you are back with your herd on the other side of the river. Write in the form of a dialogue, what you would have told your mother and how she would have helped you.
Everyone's Friend,
Lakshmi. :-))
Monday, 15 September 2014
Literature Unit - 5 Daffodils
Q.1 What does he compare him with the beginning?
A.1. The poet compares himself to a lonely cloud at the beginning of the poem.
Q.2. What impression does the word `wandering' create? What if he used the word walk?
A.2. The word `wandered' means `walked aimlessly'. The word `wandered' creates a sense of casualness, word `walked' by will make it sound like a planned activity. the words have different effects.
Q.3. Where does the poet see the daffodils? Why is it's stretch compared to the milky way?
A.3. The poet sees the daffodils beside the lake and beneath the trees. The stretch of daffodils is compared to the milky way because they had flowered continuously like the stars in the milky way.
Q.4. Which lines in the poem tell you that nothing could match the joy of daffodils, not even the shining of the lake water?
A.4. The lines, "the waves beside...........glee", denotes that nothing matches the joy of the daffodils.
Q.5. The poet enjoys the pretty sight of daffodils even much later. Where does he see it?
A.5. The poet says that he often enjoys the pretty side of the daffodils even much later, as he sees them dancing in his min's eye / memory.
A.1. The poet compares himself to a lonely cloud at the beginning of the poem.
Q.2. What impression does the word `wandering' create? What if he used the word walk?
A.2. The word `wandered' means `walked aimlessly'. The word `wandered' creates a sense of casualness, word `walked' by will make it sound like a planned activity. the words have different effects.
Q.3. Where does the poet see the daffodils? Why is it's stretch compared to the milky way?
A.3. The poet sees the daffodils beside the lake and beneath the trees. The stretch of daffodils is compared to the milky way because they had flowered continuously like the stars in the milky way.
Q.4. Which lines in the poem tell you that nothing could match the joy of daffodils, not even the shining of the lake water?
A.4. The lines, "the waves beside...........glee", denotes that nothing matches the joy of the daffodils.
Q.5. The poet enjoys the pretty sight of daffodils even much later. Where does he see it?
A.5. The poet says that he often enjoys the pretty side of the daffodils even much later, as he sees them dancing in his min's eye / memory.
Thursday, 11 September 2014
dhatu roop
लट् लकार
पुरुष / वचन एकवचन द्विवचन बहुवचन
प्रथम पुरुष ....... अति ....... अत: ..... अन्ति
मध्यम् पुरुष ......... असि ........अथ: ....... अथ
उत्तम पुरुष ....... आमि ........ आव: ....... आम:
लृट लकार
पुरुष / वचन एकवचन द्विवचन बहुवचन
प्रथम पुरुष ...... इष्यति ..... इष्यत: ......इष्यन्ति
मध्यम् पुरुष ....... इष्यसि ...... इष्यथ: ....... इष्यथ
उत्तम पुरुष ........ इष्यामि ....... इष्यामि ....... इष्यामि
लङ्ग लकार
पुरुष / वचन एकवचन द्विवचन बहुवचन
प्रथम पुरुष अ ..... अत् अ ..... अताम् अ ...... अन्
मध्यम् पुरुष अ ...... अ: अ ....... तम् अ ...... अत
उत्तम पुरुष अ ...... अम् अ ....... आव अ ....... आम
Please note that for पठ , हस् , क्रीड् धातु the above mentioned rules apply in all three tenses, whereas in case of गच्छ पिब अन्द् पश्य dhaatu, it is different in future tense.
गमिष्यति पास्यति and द्रक्ष्यति like that.
Everyone's friend,
Lakshmi :-)))
Balak: , Baalikaa, Falam & Hari
बालक शब्द रूपाणि
विभक्ति / वचन एकवचन द्विवचन बहुवचन
प्रथमा बालक: बालकौ बालका:
द्वितीया बालकम् बालकौ बालकान्
तृतीया बालकेन बालकाभ्याम् बालकै:
चतुर्थी बालकाय बालकाभ्याम् बालकेभ्य:
पञ्चमी बाल्कात् बालकाभ्याम् बालकेभ्य:
षष्ठी बालकस्य बालकयो : बालकानां
सप्तमी बालके बालकयो : बालकेषु
संबोधन हे बालक ! हे बालकौ ! हे बालका:
बालिका शब्द रूपाणि
विभक्ति / वचन एकवचन द्विवचन बहुवचन
प्रथमा बालिका बालिके बालिका:
द्वितीया बालिकाम् बालिके बालिका:
तृतीया बालिकया बालिकाभ्याम् बालिकाभि:
चतुर्थी बालिकायै बालिकाभ्याम् बालिकाभ्य:
पञ्चमी बालिकाया: बालिकाभ्याम् बालिकाभ्य:
षष्ठी बालिकाया: बालिकयो : बालिकानाम्
सप्तमी बालिकायाम् बालिकयो : बालिकासु
सम्बोधन हे बालिका ! हे बालिके ! हे बालिका:
फ़लम् शब्द रूपाणि
विभक्ति / वचन एकवचन द्विवचन बहुवचन
प्रथमा फ़लम् फ़ले फ़लानि
द्वितीया फ़लम् फ़ले फ़लानि
तृतीया फ़लेन् फ़लाभ्याम् फ़लै:
चतुर्थी फ़लाय् फ़लाभ्याम् फ़लेभ्य:
पञ्चमी फ़लात् फ़लभ्याम् फ़लेभ्य:
षष्ठी फ़लस्य् फ़लयो: फ़लानाम्
सप्तमी फ़ले फ़लयो: फ़लेशु
सम्बोधन हे फ़ल ! हे फ़ले ! हे फ़लानि !
हरि शब्द रूपाणि
विभक्ति / वचन एकवचन द्विवचन बहुवचन
प्रथमा हरि: हरी हरय :
द्वितीया हरिम् हरी हरीन्
तृतीया हरिना हरिभ्याम् हरिभि:
चतुर्थी हरये हरिभ्याम् हरिभ्य:
पञ्चमी हरे: हरिभ्याम् हरिभ्य:
षष्ठी हरे: हरयो: हरीनाम्
सप्तमी हरौ हरयो: हरिषु
सम्बोधन हे हरे! हे हरी ! हे हरय :
Everyone's friend,
Lakshmi :-))
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